
Chapter 27: Microsoft Exchange Integration
372 AltiWare ACM 5.1 Administration Manual
To configure an Outlook 2000 profile
1. Start Outlook 2000. Select Services on the Tools menu to open the Services dialog
Figure 20. Outlook Services
If Microsoft Exchange Server is in the list of services in this profile, proceed to
“Enabling the Exchange Server” on page 373.
If Microsoft Exchange Server is not in the list of services, proceed as follows.
2. Click Add to open the Add Service To Profile dialog box. Add Microsoft Exchange
Server, Outlook Address book and Personal Folders to profile.
Figure 21. Add Services to Profile
3. In the Microsoft Exchange Server dialog box that opens, type the Exchange Server
name in the Microsoft Exchange Server field and the test mailbox name (for
example, AltiGen) in the Mailbox field.
4. Click Check Name. If you entered valid values, the names will be underlined and
the Check Name button will be grayed out. Click Apply and then OK.
You will see Microsoft Exchange Server in the list in the Services window.
5. Optional: Select Microsoft Exchange Server in the list box, and click Properties
to see its configurations. The Microsoft Exchange Server dialog box appears. If
you need to, you can use this Properties dialog box to change the name of Microsoft
Exchange Server and Mailbox.