
AltiWare ACM 5.1 Administration Manual 41
Getting Around AltiWare
Administrator 5.1
This chapter gives a brief overview of AltiWare Administrator, the program used to
configure and administer the AltiWare AltiContact Center and AltiContact Manager
applications (ACC/ACM).
AltiWare Administrator has a graphical user interface with tabbed windows that makes
it easy to use. Use it at the AltiWare ACC/ACM system, or use it remotely on any other
PC on the LAN.
Note: The commands Services > Utilities > System Data Management, and
Services > Shut Down All Services cannot be performed remotely.
Logging In and Out
To configure and administer an AltiWare ACC/ACM system, log in to AltiWare
1. From the Windows Start menu, select All Programs > AltiWare ACC/ACM >
AltiWare Administrator > AltiWare Administrator 5.1. The Select Server dialog
box appears:
2. Enter the name or IP address of the AltiWare ACC or AltiWare ACM server, and click
OK. AltiWare Administrator opens.
3. To log in to AltiWare Administrator, click the Login button (the left-most button on
the toolbar) or select Services > Login. You’ll be prompted to enter the password
and click OK.
The first time you log in, use the system default password, 22222.
Important: To ensure system security, change the system password as soon as