
Chapter 22: Workgroup Configuration
280 AltiWare ACM 5.1 Administration Manual
Figure 4. Skill Level dialog box
5. Click the desired Skill Level Index, then click OK.
Agents who are members of more than one workgroup can have a different skill level
assigned in each group.
To remove extension(s) from a workgroup:
1. Click the extension number(s) in the Member list.
2. Click Remove to move them to the Not Member list.
Setting Login Status for System Restart
Whenever the system is restarted, the administrator can use the drop-down list at the
bottom of the Group Member tab to:
Keep Login Status—all group members retain their original login status for that
group prior to restart (default setting)
All Login—all group members are automatically logged into the assigned group
after the system is restarted.
All Logout—all group members are set to logout state when the system is restarted;
members must re-log back into the assigned group.
Setting Business Hours
Settings on the Business Hours tab in the Workgroup Configuration window define how
after-hours calls are handled for workgroups. An administrator can assign a Business
Hours profile to a group, and also configure after-hours handling for each day of the