
Chapter 10 Standby
Chapter 10 Standby
1. Overview
Two standby modes (low power consumption modes) are available.
Sleep mode: Stops the program
Stop mode: Shuts down the device
Note: It is possible to keep the Real Time Clock active in STOP mode (see chapter RTC).
2. Features
Sleep mode
Device state in sleep mode:
Halts the program.
CPU program execution only stops. Peripheral functions can continue to operate.
The internal memory and internal bus halt.
Transition to sleep mode:
Sleep mode is invoked by the program.
Recovery from sleep mode:
Generation of a valid interrupt request ends sleep mode (returns to normal operation)
An INIT pin input or generation of a watchdog reset invokes an initialization reset (INIT)
followed by an operation reset (RST).
Stop mode
Device state in stop mode:
The overall device halts.
Internal circuits halt (with some exceptions)
Internal clock signals halt (with some exceptions)
Whether or not the oscillation circuit halts can be controlled by a setting (programmable).
All external pins can be set to high impedance (programmable, excludes some pins)
Transition to stop mode:
Stop mode is invoked by the program.
Recovery from stop mode:
The following four interrupt requests change the device to the oscillation stabilization wait state.
•External level-detect or edge-detect interrupt
•Interrupt generated by oscillation stabilization wait timer for the main clock when oscillation not halted.
•Interrupt generated by oscillation stabilization wait timer for the sub clock when oscillation not halted.
•Real time clock interrupt when oscillation not halted.
Input to the INITX pin invokes an initialization reset (INIT) and then an operation reset (RST).