Chapter 29 MPU / EDSU
● EDSU Instruction Address Capture Register (BIAC)
This register captures the address of the instruction (IA), which has caused the protection violation or the operand/
data value break. This register could be read only.
● EDSU Operand Address Capture Register (BOAC)
This register captures the address of the operand access (OA), which has caused the protection violation or the
operand/data value break. This register could be read only.
● EDSU Break Detection Interrupt Request Register (BIRQ)
BIRQ collects all break detection bits of all channels, regardless of the type configuration of each channel. The ac-
tual implementation consists of 8 groups of channels, that are 32 single point channels totally.
Each group of channels consists of 4 channels and 4 bits for break detection in the BIRQ register. Each group has
two comparator pairs. Each pair consists of two point comparators which could build a range comparator by setting
the range enable bit. Such a range comparator pair is connected to the instruction address, operand address or the
data value information - selected by the comparator type configuration.
For detection of combined operand address and data value breaks two of such comparator pairs are combined to-
gether. Than the break detection (BD) bits are set only if both conditions are matching simultaneously.
BIT[31:0]: BD[31:0] - Break Detection register
BD[31:0] reflects the status of the break detection. It is set to ’1’ at match with BAD31...BAD0 accordingly (and if
the mask condition is satisfied, if enabled by EM1/0). For bit pairs [31:30], [29:28], ..., [1:0] range matches could
apply, if the range function using two points is enabled by ER1/0.
Break factors could be
• instruction address break,
Address +0 +1 +2 +3
00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
Address +0 +1 +2 +3
00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
Address +0 +1 +2 +3
00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
0 Break factor not detected (default)
1 Break factor detected on channel according the bit position [31:0]