Chapter 13 Clock Control
4.3 DIV1R: Clock Division Setting Register 1
Sets the division ratio for the clocks used for internal device operation.
• DIVR1: Address 0487h (Access: Byte, Half-word)
(See “Meaning of Bit Attribute Symbols (Page No.10)” for details of the attributes.)
Sets the clock division ratio (relative to the base clock) for the clock used by the external bus interface (CLKT).
• Bit7-4: CLKT division selection
• Sets the clock division ratio for the clock used by the external bus interface (CLKT).
The 16 options listed in the table are available.
• Do not set a division ratio that exceeds the maximum operating frequency of the device.
• If you modify the CLKP division selection bits, the new division ratio applies from the next clock after the
setting is modified.
• Bit3-0: Reserved bit Always write “0” to this bit. The read value is the value written.
76543210 bit
T3 T2 T1 T0 – – – –
00000000Initial value (
INIT pin input, watchdog reset)
XXXXXXXX Initial value (software reset)
R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W Attribute
T3-T0 External bus clock (CLKT) division ratio
0000 Φ/1 (initial value)
0001 Φ/2
0010 Φ/3
0011 Φ/4
0100 Φ/5
0101 Φ/6
0110 Φ/7
0111 Φ/8
1000 Φ/9
1001 Φ/10
1010 Φ/11
1011 Φ/12
1100 Φ/13
1101 Φ/14
1110 Φ/15
1111 Φ/16