In OS/390 the DATE function can be replaced by a control card, a parameter on
the EXEC statement, or a date simulation tool. UPSI
The UPSI switches that were on the 1401s got a second life in DOS with the
System/360. UPSI can be tested in RPG, Assembler and in COBOL. For more
information on the manipulation of UPSI with Assembler see Chapter 13,
“Assembler” on page 267. In OS/390, COBOL and RPG support UPSI through the
PARM= on the EXEC statement. There is no support for UPSI in Assembler or
PL/I. A feature of VSE UPSI statements is that they are carried over from one
step to the next until the end of the job.
Many VSE utility programs that use UPSI have an equivalent in MVS which,
obviously, does not use UPSI. For this reason, it is frequent that a large number
of UPSI cards in the VSE JCL do not need to be converted to MVS.
The VSE application can modify the value of the UPSI byte internally using the
MVCOM macro. This can be identified by inspecting the MVCOM macros in
Assembler subroutines.
4.3.10 VSE Job Control Statements Job Statement
The job statement is mandatory in OS/390 (it could be omitted in VSE; some say
this makes it optional). Many times the VSE job card may be used to delineate a
step (that is, if there is only one EXEC statement in the VSE job being converted).
Accounting information from the VSE job card may be specified in the MVS JOB
or EXEC statement using the ACCT= keyword. EXEC Statement
The EXEC statement in VSE is similar to MVS′ EXEC statement. It is used to
identify the program or procedure to be executed. It also specifies storage SIZE
requirements (similar to the MVS EXEC REGION parameter), and parameters to
be passed to the program or procedure to be executed.
There are differences in defaults and parameter specifications. In VSE, the
default for the name is a program module, while in MVS, the default is the name
of a procedure. Thus, in VSE, you find
// EXEC PROC=procname,.. to execute a procedure
// EXEC IDCAMS,... to execute a program
// EXEC REXX=rexxproc,.. to execute a REXX procedure
while in MVS you would find
//STEPNAME EXEC procname,... to execute a procedure
//STEPNAME EXEC PGM=IDCAMS,... to execute a program
//STEPNAME EXEC PGM=IRXJCL... to execute a REXX procedure TLBL Statement
The TLBL in VSE is equivalent to the DD statement for a labeled tape file in
OS/390 (an unlabeled tape does not need a TLBL). The VSE
(the DTF
name) which can be up to seven characters long, is equivalent to the MVS
DDname, which can be up to eight characters long.
82 VSE to OS/390 Migration Workbook