The purpose here is not to predict or estimate project costs but to identify major
cost elements and any relevant financial resource considerations.
Cost/Benefit Requirements
Reasonable and predictable timeframe
Reduced internal staff participation focused on learning OS/390
No delay/postponement of development and maintenance
Controlled costs turned into investment
Low risk
Migration project cost elements
⇒ General
- Education
Course fees
Travel & living expenses
- Consultants
- Internal human resources (chargebacks)
Project manager
Team members
⇒ Hardware
- Incremental/interim configuration to support migration
LPAR (CTCs, channels, device channel adapters, EMIF)
Separate footprint (w/ additional software licenses)
- Final configuration
⇒ Software
- Incremental/interim configuration to support migration
Conversion Tools
VSE & OS/390 licenses
- Final OS/390 configuration (including optional products & ISV
2.9 OS/390 Documentation Resources
OS/390 documentation resources should be consulted as early on in the project
as possible. This should be done in order to get an understanding of some of the
issues associated with installing and implementing the OS/390 environment. For
example, it will be necessary to understand the various OS/390 delivery
mechanisms (that is, CBIPO, ServerPAC, SystemPac) in order to determine the
one most appropriate based upon the given requirements/environment.
2.9.1 Introduction References
Key CD-ROM Collections (Bookshelves) for OS/390
General Information Manual (Introduction and Release Guide)
Chapter 2. Sizing the Effort 39