logo NetView FTP Access
You can also use the same VTAM connections to send bulk data between the
two systems with NetView FTP.
NetView FTP V2 MVS Installation, Operation, and Administration
, SH12-5657. Providing NJE Connection to the OS/390 System
You can connect VSE/POWER and OS/390 JES2 systems together via NJE to
route jobs and output from one system to the other. In addition to the POWER
and JES2 books, see
NJE Installation, Operation and Use with JES2 and Other
, GG22-9339 for guidance and examples.
25.5.2 MVS BCP Customization
There are many parameters and installation exit points which you can use to
further customize your OS/390 system. The following information is not a
complete list, but a short overview of the members in Parmlib and exit points
which may be used.
See the
OS/390 MVS Initialization and Tuning Guide
, GC28-1751 for storage
considerations, paging, and SRM guidance.
See Chapter 1 of
OS/390 MVS Initialization and Tuning Reference
, GC28-1752 for
general information called System Tailoring″:
MVS Hardware Configuration Definition
System Tailoring at Initialization Time
Understanding the Master Scheduler Job Control Language
Overview of Parmlib Members
Implicit System Parameters
Managing System Security -- APF-Authorized Library List
Specifying Installation Exits
Specifying LNKLST Concatenations SYS1.PARMLIB Parameters
There are dozens of namedmembers of SYS1.PARMLIB for OS/390 Release 4
customization. They are described in the
OS/390 MVS Initialization and Tuning
There are also many other members that can be used to tailor base elements of
OS/390, optional features, other IBM products, and ISV products. See the
appropriate product documentation for specifics. MVS Exits
There are many installation defined exit points in OS/390 components where
installations can insert their own code to affect normal processing. There are
exits for SMF, DFSMS, IPCS, JES2, RACF, TSO/E, MPF, and many other functions.
However, these are not usually necessary and can be more trouble than they are
worth. (Exits often need to be re-assembled or re-worked with future system
Chapter 25. Prepare the Migration Environment 415