logo Time Event Scheduling for Jobs
POWER supports the scheduling of job submission based on a one-time or
repetitive schedule such as daily, weekly on a given day and time, and so on.
JES2 has a primitive automatic command schedulingfacility, but you will
probably need an automated job scheduling package in OS/390 to do the same
things you were doing with POWER. Tape Spooling
Spooling to tape is usually done for very large SYSOUT data sets where there is
limited spool space or where the data is to be archived. JES2 does not provide
direct spooling to tape.
For very large output files, or to archive critical output, you can use the JES2
Spool Offload facility or some spool archiving package such as RMDS or
For data exchange to offline devices or programs, use the IBM supplied external
writer (XWTR procedure) to write spooled data to tape.
Another possible solution in MVS to accomplish tape spooling is instead of
allocating a file to SYSOUT, you can specify a unit on the DD statement to direct
it to tape (for example, UNIT = TAPE). Then use the MVS utility IEBGENER to
print the tape with the SYSUT2 DD statement specifying the address of the
desired printer (for example, UNIT=00E). Note: The printer has to be drained
from JES2 before it can be allocated to the IEBGENER utility program.
Use of the above procedure retains (KEEPs) the output on tape as long as the
installation has a retention requirement. Printer Forms Alignment via PSETUP
The POWER PSETUPfunction allowed the operator to print a couple of pages of
Xs in order for the operator to line up the form. JES2 does not provide this same
function. Here are some alternatives:
With JES2, you can start the printing, and if an alignment adjustment is
needed, interrupt the printer, do the alignment, and then issue the JES2
Backspace command. $B PRTnnnn,D″ (where nnnn is the printer number)
will logically backspace to the beginning of the data set. Printing resumes at
the beginning of the data set. (This assumes the data set being restarted is
large enough not to be completely printed before it is backspaced.)
Another technique is to have some dummy reports kept on spool for each
form that needs alignment. Release the dummy output group and cause it to
be selected first so you can line up the printer. Separator Page Difference
Operators may be using the VSE separator pages to separate individual copies
of reports. JES2 handles separator pages differently than VSE. Under VSE, when
a printout has multiple copies, separator pages are printed between each copy.
With JES2, you can use “output group” separator pages (one at the beginning
and one at the end) “data set” separators, and “data set copy” separators
between each copy.
For output group separators, specify SEP=YES on the JES2 PRT(nnn)
initialization statement. You can use the IBM-supplied separator pages, or you
208 VSE to OS/390 Migration Workbook