N/A = No available operator command
File Control
The following table shows the various operator commands that control jobs
(SYSIN or SYSOUT, ″files″ to RSCS) on the various systems. Note that there are
also global ($G..) commands for JES2 which can be used to control jobs on other
Sending Commands and Messages
The following commands are available to system operators to send commands
and messages to other nodes.
Table 27 (Page 2 of 2). Network Management Commands
Function POWER JES2
Display Network
Display Nodal Attributes I NODE = node $DNODE
Alter Nodal Attributes PLOAD PNET,ndt $TNODE
Alter Route Tables PLOAD PNET,ndt $TNODE,SUBNET=,
Define Nodes DEFINE node $ADD NODE
Trace Line Problems S PNET,node,,,, TRACE $TR,ON,ID= +4+5
Table 28. File Control Commands
Function POWER JES2
Display Network Queues PDISPLAY XMT $DQ,Q=XMT[node]
Reorder network Queues A XMT,job,PRI= $TJnnn,P= $TOJnnn,P=
Display Job Routing D RDR,job D LST,job $DJnnn $TOJnnn
Re-Route Jobs A XMT,job,NODE= $RXEQ,D=
Re-Route Output A XMT,job,NODE = $RALL,D=node
Hold Jobs and Output H XMT[,job] $HJnnn
Release Jobs and Output CH splid NOHOLD $AJnnn
Cancel Jobs and Output C XMIT[,job] $CJnnn, $PJnnn
Table 29. Sending Commands and Messages
Function POWER JES2
Send Message to Another
B node,′msg′ $DMNn,′msg′
Send Message to
Interactive User
B node,user,′msg′ N/A
Send Command to
Another System
X node,cmd $Nnnn;cmd
234 VSE to OS/390 Migration Workbook