
With the device type PRINTER or with a blank entry for device type and
symbolic device SYSLST (DOS/VS RPG II only)
LRECL is the record length specified in the file description
specification plus 1 (for the machine control character)
The first position of each record contains the machine control
character. The RECFM in the DCB is the file format specified in the
file description with machine control characters. It cannot be
overwritten by JCL.
With a blank entry for device type or with a device type other than print
or punch device, the RECFM in the DCB is the file format specified in the
file description and cannot be overwritten by JCL. Such files can be
printed using an IBM utility program, for example, IEBGENER.
4. For print files without line control specifications and without block length
specified in the file descriptions:
LRECL is the record length specified in the file description plus 1 (for the
machine control character)
RECFM and BLKSIZE must be specified in the JCL.
14.1.3 Tape Labels
Whereas in DOS/VS RPG II an exit may be entered on the File Description
Specifications form for handling non-standard tape labels, under OS/390 such
labels must be handled by a system-wide routine; the entry on the form is
ignored. In DOS/VS RPG II, multivolume unlabeled tapes may be specified in the
same way. With OS/390, this information is given in JCL statements.
14.1.4 Extent Exit
Exits for DAM files, to check whether the computed track address lies within the
extents of the file, are unnecessary under OS/390. Such an extent exit will be
14.1.5 Processing Options
are conveyed to OS/390 by means of the PARM field in the EXEC statement of
the JCL. The default values are DECK, LIST, ERRS, and NOTERM (see
RPG II Installation Reference
, SC33-6122. The other permitted options, NOLINK,
CATAL, and LINK, are realized by means of the procedures for compile, for
compile and link, or for compile, link, and go.
14.1.6 File Access Methods
The file organizations are supported as in DOS/VS RPG II. The following list
correlates the file type and the file processing.
Sequential files
are supported as device-independent QSAM files, unless
device-dependent features are used. This allows the user to decide at object
time where his sequential data items are to reside.
Indexed sequential files
are processed with QISAM or BISAM (or both). The
OS/390 RPG II compiler chooses the appropriate file access method, according
to the entries made on the File Description Specifications form.
330 VSE to OS/390 Migration Workbook