Direct Access Method (or Basic Direct Access Method) -- used for
disk devices. Still in some use, but often replaced by VSAM functions
in many VSE shops. Generally requires complex application handling
for processing, and may be dependent upon physical device
characteristics. Not supported on Fixed-Block Architecture disks.
In OS/390, BDAM is the functional equivalent.
Libraries VSE Librarian should be considered an access method, as it meets all
the criteria specified above. The current VSE Librarian has been
available since VSE/SP Version 2, in 1984. The previous
implementation will not be discussed.
In OS/390, Partitioned Data Sets (PDS, PDS-E) provide the equivalent
functions, together with associated utilities.
5.1.2 Operating System Implementations
In the VSE/ESA system, programs define their intent to use an access method
and specify needed parameters through the APIs provided through a set of
Define The File macros. These include:
DTFCD Define The File CarD
DTFCN Define The File CoNsole
DTFDA Define The File Direct Access
DTFDI Define The File Device Independence
DTFDR Define The File Document Reader
DTFDU Define The File Diskette Unit
DTFIS Define The File Indexed Sequential access
DTFMR Define The File Magnetic ink character Reader
DTFMT Define The File Magnetic Tape
DTFOR Define The File Optical Reader
DTFPH Define The File for PHysical I/O
DTFPR Define The File for PRinter
DTFSD Define The File for Sequential Disk
In addition to these, additional macros are available for definition of VSAM,
Librarian, and some other access method objects or files, including
telecommunication terminals or lines.
In the OS/390 environment, most of these DTFs are replaced by an analogous
control block definition, the Data Control Block, or DCB. The DCB is not device
specific, as the VSE DTFs are, so there is more flexibility for using a single
OS/390 program to read data, for example, from the SYSIN stream, from tape or
from disk. Only the JCL would be changed to specify the device characteristics
at run time to switch from one input or output device type to another.
The VSE application program contains the DTF macro expansion, and at linkage
edit or execution time, an operating system component module (referred to as a
″Logic Module″) will be connected to the DTF and used by the application
program to handle the functions needed for GET, PUT, or other imperative macro
98 VSE to OS/390 Migration Workbook