If your VSE applications are currently written in VS FORTRAN, you must convert
them to another version of the FORTRAN compiler before you can run them
under OS/390. There is currently no LE/VSE-conforming FORTRAN compiler, so
you must convert your VS FORTRAN applications to the OS/390 version of VS
FORTRAN. You should read the
Language Environment V1R5 FORTRAN
Migration Guide
for information about migrating to Language
Environment-enabled FORTRAN.
17.4.7 Migrating Interlanguage Communications Applications
Interlanguage communications (ILC) applications are applications built of two or
more high-level languages (HLLs), and, frequently, Assembler. ILC applications
run outside the realm of a single language′s environment, which creates special
conditions, such as how each language maps data, how conditions are handled,
or how data can be called and received by each language.
If your ILC applications are built only of two or more LE/VSE-conforming HLLs,
then migrating them to OS/390 Language Environment is the same as migrating
applications in one LE/VSE-conforming language. This section considers the
migration of ILC applications with two or more non-LE/VSE-conforming language.
Table 41 gives information about the migration of ILC applications with various
combinations of non-LE/VSE-conforming languages.
Table 41 (Page 1 of 2). ILC Migration Considerations
To Migrate: You Need To:
A phase containing one or more DOS/VS
COBOL programs, with calls to or from
1. Upgrade the DOS/VS COBOL source
code, and compile with COBOL for
OS/390 and VM or COBOL for MVS
& VM.
2. Upgrade the DOS PL/I source code,
and compile with PL/I for MVS and
3. Link-edit the load module with
OS/390 Language Environment.
A phase containing one or more VS
COBOL II programs, with calls to or from
1. Upgrade the DOS PL/I source code,
and compile with PL/I for MVS and
2. Transfer the VS COBOL II object
code to OS/390.
3. Link-edit the load module with
OS/390 Language Environment.
A phase containing one or more DOS/VS
COBOL programs, with calls to or from
1. Upgrade the DOS/VS COBOL source
code, and compile with COBOL for
OS/390 and VM or COBOL for MVS
& VM
2. Upgrade the C/370 source code, and
compile with OS/390 C/C++.
3. Link-edit the load module with
OS/390 Language Environment.
358 VSE to OS/390 Migration Workbook