Table 36. REPORT and ISASIZE Options, C/370 and DOS PL/I
REPORT option, C/370
and DOS PL/I
The information supplied by the REPORT option in C/370
and DOS PL/I is supplied in LE/VSE by the RPTSTG option.
The RPTOPTS option may also be of use in determining
storage use.
In LE/VSE 1.4 the ISASIZE option maps to the STACK
option. In OS/390 Language Environment ISASIZE maps
17.4.2 C/370
C/370 is not an LE/VSE-conforming language. If your applications are written in
C/370, you must convert them to another version of C before you can run them
under OS/390. A well-coded C/370 application should generally recompile
successfully with OS/390 C/C++, and run successfully with OS/390 Language
Environment without modification.
Table 37 lists some migration considerations you should be aware of when
migrating from C/370.
Table 37. C/370 Migration Considerations
Migration Consideration Comments
Standard Streams In C/370, you could override the destination of
error messages by redirecting stderr. OS/390
Language Environment determines the
destination of all messages from the MSGFILE
run-time option.
Passing Command Line
In C/370 if an error was detected with the
parameters being passed to the main program,
the program terminated with a return code of 8
and a message indicating the reason the
program terminated. Under OS/390 Language
Environment the same message is displayed,
but the program also terminates with a 4093
abend, reason code 52 (hexadecimal 34).
Prefix of perror() and strerror()
Messages in C
With OS/390 Language Environment all
perror() and strerror() messages in C
contain a prefix. With C/370, there was no
prefix on these messages. The prefix is
is a number (always
) and
is either I, W, or E.
Storage Report The format of the run-time storage report
generated by the OS/390 Language
Environment RPTSTG run-time option is
different from the format of the storage reports
produced by the C/370 REPORT run-time
17.4.3 VS COBOL II
VS COBOL II is not an LE/VSE-conforming language. However, VS COBOL II
applications may run with OS/390 Language Environment with minimal changes.
Subject to certain restrictions, you can transfer your VS COBOL II compiled
object code from VSE to OS/390, link-edit with OS/390 Language Environment
and run it there. This is discussed in Chapter 12, “COBOL” on page 249.
Chapter 17. Language Environment (LE) 355