logo Product Positioning
COBOL and CICS Command Level Conversion Aid for VSE Release 1 is
positioned as a COBOL migration aid designed to provide:
Automated conversion of most COBOL syntax differences.
Programmer productivity for the migration process.
Reduction of manual conversion errors.
Flexibility through an open converter design.
Generation of conversion management reports.
CCCA eases the migration process, allowing customers to upgrade their old
COBOL technology, to the new COBOL technology (as in VS COBOL II) quickly.
Once on the new VS COBOL II product, customers are positioned for upcoming
technological advancements, such as object-oriented technology and client
server. Technical Description
As in CCCA Release 2 for MVS and VM, COBOL and CICS Command Level
Conversion Aid for VSE Release 1 contains the following components:
Language Conversion Programs (LCPs)
LCP Compiler
Report Programs
Front-end Panels
Language Conversion Programs (LCPs): The LCPs are written in a COBOL-like
language used to describe the process of converting the differences between the
old COBOL language (that is, OS/VS COBOL, DOS/VS COBOL or ANSI 74 VS
COBOL II), and the new COBOL language (that is, VS COBOL II ANSI 85
Standard or IBM COBOL for VSE).
A set of LCP modules describing how each old COBOL language element is to
be converted into the new COBOL language is provided with this tool. The set
also provides CICS command level-related statements conversion. The basic set
enables users to convert most differences, and can be very easily customized for
specific conversion requirements.
By adding new LCPs, the user can:
Change COBOL source syntax.
Add, replace or remove a word, clause or statement.
Indicate where the newly generated COBOL source needs to be reviewed for
possible manual action.
A set of panels is provided to help the user with LCP development within CICS.
LCP Compiler: Each LCP module is processed once by the LCP compiler
component and is then used by the driver component to convert each
statement requiring conversion. The basic set of LCP modules included in
the product is already processed by the LCP compiler.
Chapter 33. Conversion Services and Tools 523