
ERASE: Can be used with no changes. DFSORT ignores ERASE. Use a
security product, such as RACF, to erase the work data sets.
NOERASE: Can be used with no changes. DFSORT ignores NOERASE.
DFSORT does not erase work data sets.
FILNM: Must be removed. DFSORT terminates if this operand is specified.
Use DFSORTs SORTIN, SORTOUT or SORTDD operands to change the input
and output ddnames.
LABEL: Must be removed. DFSORT terminates if this operand is specified.
Use the LABEL option of the DD statement to specify the type of label.
PRINT: Must be removed. DFSORT terminates if this operand is specified. If
the default message level is inappropriate for a particular job, use DFSORTs
MSGPRT operand to control which messages are printed.
ROUTE: Must be removed. DFSORT terminates if this operand is specified.
By default, DFSORT directs its messages to the message data set. However,
DFSORTs MSGCON installation operand can be used to direct messages to
the master console.
SORTIN: Must be removed. DFSORT terminates if this operand is specified.
Use DD statements to identify the input data sets.
SORTOUT: Must be removed. DFSORT terminates if this operand is specified.
Use a DD statement to identify the output data set.
SORTWK: Must be removed. DFSORT terminates if this operand is specified.
Use DFSORTs DYNALLOC operand or SORTWKdd DD statements to identify
the work data sets.
STORAGE: Must be removed. DFSORT terminates if this operand is specified.
By default, DFSORT uses virtual storage (above and below 16MB virtual),
dataspace sorting, hipersorting and work data sets, as appropriate. If the
default storage values at your site are inappropriate for a particular job, use
DFSORTs MAINSIZE operand to control storage.
VERIFY: Is accepted, but performs a different function for DFSORT than for
Sort/Merge. Use the OPTCD=W option on the SORTOUT DD statement to
perform the equivalent of Sort/Merges VERIFY function.
NOVERIFY: Can be used with no changes. DFSORT will not perform its
VERIFY function.
WORKNM: Must be removed. DFSORT terminates if this operand is specified.
Use DFSORTs SORTDD operand to change the work ddnames.
OUTFIL: Can be used with no changes. DFSORT ignores all Sort/Merge OUTFIL
operands. The equivalent information must be available from the output DD
statement, output data set control block (DSCB) or catalog.
OUTREC: Can be used with no changes.
RECORD: Can be used with no changes.
SORT: Can be used with no changes. DFSORT ignores operands that are not
meaningful for its processing.
SUM: Can be used with no changes.
378 VSE to OS/390 Migration Workbook