
28.5.2 Controlling Time Sharing Users
TSO/E users logon through terminals controlled by VTAM. You can use MVS or
JES2 commands to control TSO users and their output:
Send a Message to a TSO User with the MVS
SEND message_text′,U=useridcommand. Be careful not to omit the
″,U=( )operand, or your message will be sent to all TSO users and they
will get aggravated with this if it happens repeatedly.
Cancel the TSO session with the MVS CANCEL U=useridcommand, or the
JES2 $C command.
There may also be times when you cannot cancel a TSO user with the $C
command, so you will have to force the address space down with the
FORCEcommand. This may be necessary for a TSO user to get out of a
hungcondition, and log back on again.
Release, Cancel, or Modify TSO held output with the JES2 $O or $TO
The SDSF DA, ST, O and H panels can also be used to control TSO users or their
queued output. (Any JES2 command can be issued through these panels.)
28.5.3 Controlling Batch Jobs
Batch jobs are submitted by TSO users, or by other programs such as batch job
scheduling systems like OPC/A. They are queued on the Job Queueby JES2
and selected by batch initiators according to your installations job scheduling
criteria. (WLM or JES can manage the initiators.)
Jobs can also be started by the operator from the console with the MVS START
command, but then they behave very much like started tasks″. (See the next
topic below.)
Jobs can be canceled by the operator with either an MVS Cancel command, or
the JES2 $C command.
The SDSF DA, ST, O and H panels can also be used to control batch jobs or their
queued output.
28.5.4 Controlling Started Tasks
Started Tasks (or STCs″) are like batch jobs, but started by the MVS START
command (abbreviated S″) from an operator console instead of submitted by a
TSO user or another job. You can override many parameters on the START
command, including the name that shows up on a display.
Other commands used to control started tasks are described in
OS/390 MVS
System Commands
, GC28-1781.
Display status about the started task with the MVS DISPLAYcommand or
JES2 $D command.
Modify the started task with the MVS MODIFYcommand.
Stop the started task with the MVS STOPcommand.
Cancel the started task with the MVS CANCELor JES2 $C command.
If they fail to stop or cannot be canceled, they can be Forcedwith the MVS
Chapter 28. Orientation to OS/390 Console Operation 451