The key terms associated with determining your application inventory are:
1. Determination
2. Collection
3. Supply
4. Analysis and resolution of exceptions Determination
Determination is the task of understanding what runs in production on the VSE
side. It includes finding out all the places where the production JCL is stored and
determining what is production and what is not production. Collection
Collection is about building a procedure using standard utilities or ad hoc
programs to transfer all the source (JCL, source programs and copy books) to
the OS/390 side. Supply
Supply is the procedure where you transfer the source code and JCL, from the
source environment, VSE or VM, to the OS/390 system. The determination,
collection and supply happen on the VSE side.
Only the version of source code or JCL currently used in production under VSE
is supplied to the conversion. Duplicate or obsolete versions are eliminated
(moved away) from the VSE production libraries. VSE executable code (phases)
is discarded: new OS/390 executable code (load-modules) will be generated from
the converted source code. Lost source code is either retrieved or rewritten: it is
then regression tested and installed in production under VSE before being
transferred to the OS/390 system for conversion.
The device, content, and format of the files used to transfer the conversion
inventory from the VSE to the OS/390 system are defined. An automated
application transfer procedure (VSE JCL streams and OS/390 JCL streams) is
developed. The conversion inventory is collected from the VSE production
libraries, copied to transfer files and downloaded into the conversion libraries on
the OS/390 system.
In the mass method the supply is renewed each month. This helps synchronize
both sides by keeping the VSE portion more current and ensuring the MVS side
has access to a recent VSE copy. Analysis and Resolution of Exceptions
This is also known as Inventory Validation. It involves analyzing the relationships
in the inventory and uncovering and resolving exceptions. Validation is the
process of determining to what each element is linked, what those elements
include and to follow the chain to see what is referenced, what is missing and
what is unreferenced. Missing elements can be identified where a piece of JCL
calls for program ABC but the source ABC is missing or the piece of JCL is not
production JCL. The same is true with unreferenced elements. When you have
unreferenced elements there are two causes. It could be an obsolete item or the
piece of JCL that referred to it is missing.
The end result of resolving these exceptions is a clean and accurate inventory.
In the Cortex environment this is arrived at through the running of validation
tools against the conversion libraries on the OS/390 side. Validation could also
496 VSE to OS/390 Migration Workbook