Changing crossfade curves
You can change the crossfade curves that are used to fade in and out between two events.
Right-click a crossfade
to choose a different
crossfade curve.
Right-click anywhere in the crossfade region to display a shortcut menu.
From the shortcut menu, choose Fade Type, and then choose the desired fade type from the submenu.
Using event envelopes (ASR)
You can apply envelopes to individual events. Envelopes, also known as ASRs (attack, sustain, and release), give you the ability to control
an event’s fade-in, fade-out, and overall volume level.
When you create an event, handles are added that are used to set the envelope. As you drag these handles on events, a volume
envelope appears indicating how the event is being affected.
Envelope handles Event envelope
Setting an event’s volume
When you place the mouse pointer at the top of an event, the pointer changes to a hand cursor ( ) that you can use to lower the event’s
overall volume.
Place the mouse pointer at the top of the event.
When you see the envelope cursor ( ), drag the volume envelope to the desired level. As you drag, the event’s decibel level is
displayed in a ToolTip.
You can make fine adjustments by holding Ctrl or clicking the right mouse button while dragging the envelope.
Volume envelope
Decibel level
When you have multiple events selected, the gain of all selected events is adjusted simultaneously.