resetting, 49
shortcuts, 49
using, 49
slipping events, 164
slip-trimming events, 164
Smooth/Enhance process, 40, 192
SMPTE, 253–259
SMPTE 30 button, 38
SMPTE Drop button, 38
SMPTE EBU button, 38
SMPTE Film Sync (24 fps) button, 38
SMPTE Non-Drop button, 38
SMPTE timecode, 339
Snap Edge to Grid command, 96
Snap Edge to Zero command, 96
Snap to Grid command, 96
Snap to Zero command, 96
Snap to zero-crossing slope preference, 92
See also Quantize to Frames
disabling at high magnifications, 97
enabling, 95
selections, 96–97
to events, 95, 169
to grid, 95
to markers, 95
to whole time divisions, 95
to zero-crossings, 96
erasing, 284
showing/hiding, 283
taking, 283
viewing statistics of, 284
adjusting color intensity, 286
displaying, 284
displaying frequency and amplitude values, 285
displaying notes, 285
displaying statistics, 285
improving contrast, 286
improving frequency resolution, 286
printing, 286
reducing processing time, 286
smoothing display, 286
synchronizing for multichannel file, 286
tuning, 286
updating, 285
SoundFont files, 245–248
Spectrum Analysis
See also sonograms
changing graph type, 282
changing spectrum graph zoom level, 282
displaying frequency and amplitude values, 281
displaying graph, 280
Spectrum Analysis (continued)
displaying notes, 281
displaying statistics, 281
erasing snapshots, 284
FFT, 279
monitoring input/output source, 281, 285
navigating graphs, 282
printing graphs, 284
printing sonograms, 286
refreshing graphs, 282
saving custom settings, 288
settings, 287
showing/hiding snapshots, 283
snapshots, 283
synchronizing graphs for multichannel files, 282
taking snapshots, 283
thumbnail image, 282
viewing multiple graphs, 283
viewing snapshot statistics, 284
window, 24
events, 164
regions, 125
Standard toolbar, 36
Statistics window, 42, 64
status bar
command descriptions, 43
editing file properties, 100
status formats, 79–81
Status/Selection toolbar, 38
step-down conversion, 102
step-up conversion, 102
stereo files
compressing selections, 188
converting to mono, 180
creating from mono, 179
expanding selections, 188
swapping channels, 180
stereo to mono conversion, 105
See also mono to stereo conversion
Stop button, 34, 37
stop points
creating, 132
deleting, 132
streaming media commands, 118
Summary Information window, 29, 107–108
sustaining loops, 261
swapping stereo channels, 180
synchronizing MIDI timecode, 257–259
synthesizing audio
DTMF/MF tones, 156
FM synthesis, 157–158
simple synthesis, 158
system requirements, 17