automatically naming, 124
benefits of using, 113
building using current tempo, 123
creating CD tracks from, 294
creating from markers, 116
deleting, 125
deleting all, 125
deleting all within a selection, 116, 125
editing default names, 317
extracting to new files, 126
inserting based on marker position, 124
inserting based on musical time intervals, 123
inserting based on rapid sound attacks, 123
inserting using drag-and-drop, 121
inserting using keyboard, 121
inserting using menu commands, 120
inserting using time ruler shortcut, 121
inserting while recording, 122
locking lengths, 126
moving, 125
naming, 124
playback using MTC, 257–258
previewing, 125
renaming, 124
selecting, 124
splitting, 125
triggering using MIDI commands, 126
Regions List
benefits of using, 113
changing region order, 128
copying to clipboard, 129
opening Regions List files, 129
overview, 26
saving to file, 129
viewing, 127
Regions List button, 39
Regions List files
opening, 129
saving, 129
Regions/Playlist toolbar, 39
release loops
creating, 262
defined, 261
effects (plug-ins), 203
markers, 114
regions, 124
Render As dialog, 36, 66–67
creating custom settings, 68
saving project path, 70
reordering CD tracks, 297, 300
repairing audio
Audio Restoration plug-in, 156
copying the other channel, 154
interpolating audio, 154
replacing with preceding audio, 155
using Pencil tool, 155
Repeat button, 36
repeating an operation, 149
Replace button, 42
replacing glitches, 155
audio, 148
regions in Playlist, 131
Resample button, 40
Resample process, 189–190
downsampling, 190
upsampling, 190
clipping indicators, 45
default keyboard map, 326
envelopes, 51
fader values, 49
slider values, 49
Resonant Filter effect, 41, 212
restoring selections, 93
Reverb effect, 41, 213
Reverse process, 40, 192
Rewind button, 34, 37
RMS (Root Mean Sqaure) level, 64
rotating audio, 40, 270
routing channels to hardware outputs, 46, 110
sample files, 17
sample rate
changing, 101
for CD burning, 289
Sampler Loops window, 28
Sampler tool, 42, 242
Samples button, 38
configuring Sampler Tool, 242
external samplers, 241
internal samplers, 241
MIDI keyboard, 249–250
open loop vs. closed loop, 243
Sample Dump Standard (SDS), 251
Sampler tool, 242
saving sampler configurations, 244
SCSI/SMDI hardware and setup, 251
sending and receiving samples, 244
unsupported internal samplers, 241
Save All command, 68
Save As dialog, 36, 66–67
Save button, 36