
MIDI devices, 256
monitors for video previewing, 276
samplers, 241
extracting audio from CDs
button, 42
creating markers for each index change, 144
creating regions for each track, 144
from dialog, 144–145
from Explorer window, 59
previewing CD tracks, 145
proper use of software, 145
refreshing dialog, 145
extracting regions to new files, 42, 126
fade curves, 207
fade envelopes
See also crossfading events, 165
fade in, 184
fade out, 184
graphic fade, 182–183
Fade In button, 40
Fade Out button, 40
fade types, 167
resetting, 49
shortcuts, 49
using, 49
Fast Fourier Transform (FFT), 279
Favorites folder in Explorer window, 58
file formats, converting, 106
file properties
copying to clipboard, 101
editing, 99–106
editing extended summary information, 107
editing in File Properties window, 99
editing in status bar, 100
editing summary information, 107
viewing extended summary information, 107
viewing summary information, 107
window, 24
automatically previewing, 57
channels, 105
copying data to new files, 65
creating CD tracks from, 294–296
creating from Cutlist, 133
creating from Playlist, 132
creating from regions, 126
deleting recovered files, 81
detaching video, 276
editing source project, 70
embedding additional information, 107
Explorer window, 57–59
opening, 55–57
files (continued)
playing, 61
previewing, 57
publishing to Web, 81
recovering after crash, 81
saving, 66
saving all, 68
saving metadata with, 107
statistics, 64
video, 60
Find tool, 42, 153
finding and repairing audio glitches, 153
Flange/Wah-Wah effect, 41, 211
flipping envelope graphs, 207
floating windows. See windows
FM synthesis, 39, 157–158
Focus to Data Window command, 65
Forward button, 34, 37
frame animation, 273
frame numbering, 274
.frg files, 55
FX Favorites menu, 203
Gapper/Snipper effect, 41, 211
Gaussian dither, 177
generating MIDI timecode, 39, 258
Get CD Text button, 58, 59
GigaStudio/GigaSampler files, 245–248
finding, 153
repairing by copying the other channel, 154
repairing by interpolating audio, 154
repairing by replacing with preceding audio, 155
repairing with Pencil tool, 155
glossary, 343–359
Go To dialog, 38, 83
Go to End button, 34, 37
Go to Next Track button, 34, 37
Go to Previous Track button, 34, 37
Go to Start button, 34, 37
Gracenote, 58–59
Graphic Dynamics effect, 41, 104, 209
Graphic EQ, 40, 182
Graphic Fade
button, 40
creating, 182
customizing, 183
dialog, 183
overview, 182
grid lines. See Selection Grid Lines option
Half Rectangular dither, 177
Halve Selection button, 38
halving loops, 269