When you release the mouse button to drop the selection, the selection is pasted.
Pasting in a new data window
To use data from the clipboard to create a new data window, go to the Edit menu, choose Paste Special, and choose Paste to New from
the submenu. A new window containing the clipboard data is created.
Cutting allows you to remove a section of sound data from a data window and store it on the clipboard until you paste or mix it into
another file. Cutting sound data replaces the previous contents of the clipboard. When deciding between cut and copy, consider the
following information:
• Copying data has no effect on the original file.
• Cutting data modifies the original file.
Cutting data from a window
If you cut data from individual channels of multichannel files, the waveform will contain silence at the end of the cut channel. The
channels in a multichannel file must always be equal in length.
Create a selection containing the second “Wow” (there should be two if you are following the examples) in Voiceover.pca.
From the Edit menu, choose Cut, or click the Cut button ( ). The selected data is removed from the file and placed on the
Click the Play All button ( ). “Wow. Sound editing just gets easier and easier” plays back.