Undo Buffer
This is the temporary file created before you do any processing to a sound file. This undo buffer allows you to rewrite previous versions
of the sound file if you decide you don’t like changes you’ve made to the sound file. This undo buffer is erased when the file is closed or
the Clear Undo/Redo History command is selected.
These commands allow you to change a project back to a previous state, when you don’t like the changes you have made, or reapply the
changes after you have undone them.
Undo/Redo History
This is a list of all of the functions that have been done to a file that are available to be undone or redone. Undo/Redo History gives you
the ability to undo or redo multiple functions as well as preview the functions for quick review of the processed and unprocessed
material. This list can be displayed from within the View menu.
Data that has only positive values and uses half the maximum value to represent silence. This is a format option when opening and
saving raw sound files.
Virtual MIDI Router (VMR)
A software-only router for MIDI data between programs. Sound Forge software uses the VMR to receive MIDI time code and send MIDI
clock. No MIDI hardware or cables are required for a VMR, so routing can only be performed between programs running on the same PC.
Sony supplies a VMR with Sound Forge software called the Sony Virtual MIDI Router.
An digital audio standard developed by Microsoft and IBM. One minute of uncompressed audio requires 10 MB of storage.
A waveform is the visual representation of wave-like phenomena, such as sound or light. For example, when the amplitude of sound
pressure is graphed over time, pressure variations usually form a smooth waveform.
Waveform Display
Each event shows a graph of the sound data waveform. The vertical axis corresponds to the amplitude of the wave. For 24-bit audio, they
range from -8388608 to 8388607. For 16-bit sounds, the amplitude range is -32,768 to +32,767. For 8-bit sounds, the range is -128 to
+127. The horizontal axis corresponds to time, with the leftmost point being the start of the waveform. In memory, the horizontal axis
corresponds to the number of samples from the start of the sound file.
Windows Media Format
Microsoft’s Windows Media file format that can handle audio and video presentations and other data such as scripts, URL flips, images
and HTML tags.