effects (continued)
Flange/Wah-Wah, 41, 211
FX Favorites menu, 203
Gapper/Snipper, 41, 211
Graphic Dynamics, 41, 209
hiding, 203
loading saved chains, 201
loading saved presets, 201
Multi-Band Dynamics, 41, 209
Multi-Tap Delay, 41, 209
Noise Gate, 41, 211
Pitch Bend, 41, 211–212
Pitch Shift, 41, 212
Plug-In Manager, 202
Preset Manager, 204
previewing automation, 206
removing automation envelopes, 206
removing plug-ins from chains, 198
renaming, 203
Resonant Filter, 41, 212
Reverb, 41, 213
saving chains, 200
saving settings as a preset, 200
saving settings as presets, 196
Simple Delay, 41, 209
toolbar, 41
Vibrato, 41, 213
élastique Timestretch process, 40, 192
See also Time Stretch process
embedding additional information in files, 107
Envelope effect, 41, 210–211
envelope graphs
adding points, 50, 207
changing fade curves, 50
clearing all points, 50
deleting all points, 51
deleting points, 50
displaying multichannel waveforms, 51
displaying waveforms, 51
flipping, 207
moving multiple points, 50
moving points, 50
resetting, 51
selecting all points, 50
understanding, 50
envelope points
adding, 50, 207
changing fade curves, 50
clearing all, 50
deleting, 50
deleting all, 51
flipping, 207
moving, 50
moving multiple, 50
resetting, 51
envelope points (continued)
selecting all, 50
Envelope Tool button, 36
adjusting, 207
adjusting effect parameters, 206
bypassing effect automation, 206
copying to another data window, 208
creating pan envelopes, 188
cutting, copying, and pasting points, 208
effect automation envelopes, 205
enabling effect automation, 206
fade curves, 207
removing effect automation, 206
showing/hiding effect automation envelopes, 206
volume or panning, 205
EQ, 182
error messages for Acoustic Mirror, 225
estimating DC offset, 181
Event tool, 36, 161–167
applying envelopes, 166
copying, 162
creating, 161
creating CD tracks from, 293
crossfade types, 165
crossfading, 165
cutting, 163
deleting, 163
fade in volume, 167
fade out volume, 167
fade types, 167
mixing, 163
pasting, 163
processing, 167
selecting, 168
setting volume, 166
slipping, 164
slip-trimming, 164
snapping to, 95, 169
splitting, 164
trimming, 163
zooming, 169
Explorer window
editing CD information, 58
extracting audio from CDs, 59
Favorites folder, 58
getting CD Text, 58
obtaining CD information, 58
opening files, 57
overview, 24, 57
previewing files, 57
views, 59
exporting track lists as text files, 302