Toggling protection and emphasis flags
Select the Prot check box to add a flag to the Q subcode to prevent digital copying of your CD.
In order to use copy protection, the CD player must support the copy-protection flag.
Select the Emph check box to add a pre-emphasis flag to the Q subcode.
Pre-emphasis is a basic noise-reduction process that is implemented by a CD player. Emphasis involves boosting high frequencies
during CD writing and cutting those frequencies during playback. The emphasis process reduces high-frequency noise without
disrupting the natural frequency of the source material.
Selecting the Emph check box does not impart the pre-emphasis boost on a track; it can only set the flag. In order for pre-emphasis to
occur, the CD recorder and player must support the flag. Check your CD drive documentation to determine whether your drive supports
pre-emphasis flags.
Editing ISRC codes
The Track List window allows you to specify an ISRC (International Standard Recording Code) that will be used to identify the tracks on
your disc.
For more information about ISRC codes, see http://www.ifpi.org/content/section_resources/isrc.html.
Double-click the ISRC box in a track row.
Type the appropriate code for the track.
Press Enter.
Industry Standard Recording Codes (ISRC) were designed to identify CD tracks. The ISRC code is a 12-character alphanumeric sequence
in the following format:
Field A B C D E
Sample ISRC SE T38 86 302 12
Field Description
A Country Represents the recording’s country of origin.
B First Owner Assigned ID for the producer of the project. Each country has a
board that assigns these codes.
C Year of Recording Represents the year the recording was made.
D Recording Represents the recording’s serial number made by the same
producer in that year: This value will use three digits (300-999) when the
CD has 10 or more tracks. This value will use four digits (0001-2999) when
the CD has 9 or fewer tracks.
E Recording Item (1 or 2 digits) Identifies tracks on a CD (each track can have
a different ISRC code).
Creating track lists (PQ lists or cue sheets)
You can right-click the Track List window and choose Copy Track List to Clipboard, Export Track List, or Print Track List to share your
track list information with another application or with a CD-replication house.
For more information, see Creating track lists for disc-at-once CDs on page 301.
Creating track lists for disc-at-once CDs
If you need to share your track list information with another application or with a CD replication house, you can copy the track list
information to the clipboard, save it to a text file, or print a hard copy.