Item Description
Sync graphs If you are analyzing a multichannel file, select the Sync graphs check box to
synchronize the displays so you can view the same region of the FFT in all channels.
Logarithmic graphing Select the Logarithmic graphing check box to display the X-axis in logarithmic mode
rather than linear mode. In logarithmic mode, more of the graph is devoted to lower
Logarithmic graphing affects the display only when Normal Display is
Freq. Min. (Frequency Determines the lowest frequency displayed in the graphs.
Max. (Frequency maximum) Determines the highest frequency displayed in the graphs.
Ceiling Determines the highest amplitude displayed in the graphs.
Floor Determines the lowest amplitude displayed in the graphs.
Hold peaks during monitoring Select this check box to indicate the highest value of each frequency on the spectrum
graph with a small horizontal line. The length of time (in seconds) that the peak is held
is determined by the value entered in the edit box.
Maintain last monitored view Select this check box if you want to maintain the state of the Spectrum Graph when
you stop playback. Clearing this check box results in the graph resetting to the cursor
position when playback stops.
Saving spectrum graph settings
After you configure the controls in the Spectrum Settings dialog, you can save the settings as a custom preset by clicking Save As and
entering a name for the new preset. Click OK to save the new preset.