
Absolute Frames button, 38
ACID Properties window, 27
ACID software, 70
ACID, creating loops for, 267–271
ACIDplanet.com, 81
ACM, 337
Acoustic Mirror
See also impulse files
adding acoustic signatures to files, 215
adjusting acoustic signatures, 215
adjusting impulse length, 217
button, 41
Envelope tab, 217
error messages, 225
General tab, 216
Head-related transfer functions, 224
limiting length of impulse, 216
overview, 215
Recover tab, 218
saving the impulse with a preset, 217
Summary tab, 218
troubleshooting, 224
active data windows vs. inactive data windows, 65
adding regions to the Playlist, 130
adjusting envelopes, 207
adjusting selections
with keyboard, 93
with mouse, 93
Allow Undo past Save preference, 55, 77
Always open dropped files in new window preference, 72, 75,
Amplitude Modulation effect, 41, 209
analog vs. digital levels, 44
animating video strip, 274
applying effects automation, 206
arguments, 234
ASIO driver support, 135
attaching video to audio files, 276
increasing volume, 193
locking to CD tracks, 297
mixing from the clipboard, 76
normalizing, 186–187
processing, 171–193
recording, 135–144
repairing, 153–156
reversing, 192
setting volume, 193
synthesizing, 156–159
Audio CD Time button, 38
audio configuration, 135
audio editing
copying, 71
cutting selections, 73–74
deleting selections, 74
drag-and-drop, 150–153
mixing, 75–77
overwriting, 147
pasting, 72–73
repeating an operation, 149
replicating, 148
trimming/cropping, 75
audio event locator
configuring, 87
scrubbing with, 87
Audio Restoration plug-in, 42, 156
audio synthesis
DTMF/MF tones, 156
FM synthesis, 157–158
simple, 158
auditioning recorded audio, 142
Auto Preview button, 57
Auto Region tool
button, 42
musical time intervals, 123
rapid sound attacks, 123
Auto Trim/Crop process, 40, 175–176
Auto-crossfade Mix with selection preference, 75
Automatic Crossfades command, 165
Automatic retake recording mode, 141, 142
automatically labeling
markers, 115
regions, 124
automating effect parameters, 205
automation effects, 206
auto-scrolling, 61
auto-snapping, disabling at high magnifications, 97
Batch Converter
button, 42, 43
creating or editing batch jobs, 239
metadata, 240
running existing batch jobs, 238
BICSF, 341
bit depth
decreasing, 102
defined, 102
increasing, 102
Bit-Depth Converter, 40, 176–177
blinking status while recording, 143
bonus tracks, 296
Broadcast Wave window, 27
Burn Disc-at-Once Audio CD dialog, 42, 304–305