Using phase scopes
You can display a phase scope in the Channel Meters and Hardware Meters windows to find phase cancellation among the channels in
an audio file. For more information on channel meters, see Using the channel meters on page 44. For more information on hardware meters,
see Using the hardware meters on page 111.
Right-click the Channel Meters or Hardware Meters window and choose Show Phase Scope from the shortcut menu to toggle the
display of the phase scope.
To change the display, right-click the Channel Meters or Hardware Meters window, choose Phase Scope Style from the shortcut menu,
and then choose a setting from the submenu:
Style Description
Lissajous - XY Plot Displays the right and left channels plotted along the X and Y axes of the
Lissajous - Rotated Displays the right and left channels plotted along the X and Y axes of the
graph. This setting is identical to the Lissajous - XY Plot setting, but the graph is
rotated 45 degrees.
Polar - Linear Plot Displays the right and left channels plotted vertically on the graph.
Polar - Circular Plot Displays the right and left channels plotted on a circular graph.
Using the mono-compatibility meters
You can display a mono-compatibility meter in the Channel Meters and Hardware Meters windows to detect correlations or differences
between the channels of a file that can cause phase cancellation when downmixing to mono. For more information on channel meters,
see Using the channel meters on page 44. For more information on hardware meters, see Using the hardware meters on page 111.
Right-click the Channel Meters or Hardware Meters window and choose Show Mono-Compatibility Meter from the shortcut menu to
toggle the display of the mono-compatibility meter.
When the channels are similar, the right (or top) half of the meter is illuminated:
When the channels exhibit phase cancellations, the left (or bottom) half of the meter is illuminated: