Using the cursor to select a frame
When frame animation is turned on, clicking anywhere within the audio portion of the data window displays the corresponding video
frame in the video strip. To move the cursor by single frames, press Alt+Right Arrow or Alt+Left Arrow.
Viewing frame numbers
You can display frame numbers on each frame in your video strip, which can assist you in positioning your audio. As you zoom in more
tightly, each frame in the strip represents one frame in the video.
Open a video file and display the video strip.
From the Options menu, choose Video, and then choose Number Frames. A check mark appears next to this option on the menu
when the feature is enabled, and a small box with a number appears at the bottom of each frame. The small black arrow marks the
exact position of the frame.
You can also right-click the video strip and choose Number Frames from the shortcut menu.
Using the data window’s zoom ratio controls, zoom in/out on the waveform several times and observe the numbering of the video
Select a frame number format by choosing Preferences from the Options menu and selecting an option from the Frame
numbering on thumbnails drop-down list on the Video tab.
Animating the video strip
During playback of a video file, the video strip can display animated or still frames. This can visually aid in editing and positioning your
audio to match the video. From the Options menu, choose Video, and then choose Animate Video Strip (or right-click the video strip
and choose Animate from the shortcut menu). A check mark appears next to this option on the menu when the feature is enabled.
When the video strip is animated, the video strip always displays the frame that corresponds to the cursor position. Press Alt+Right
Arrow or Alt+Left Arrow to move the cursor one frame.
When frame animation is turned off, the video strip always shows the frame that corresponds to the left edge of each image in the video
If you experience slow or stuttering video preview, turn off animated video to reduce the load on your CPU.
Copying the current video frame to the clipboard
You can use the clipboard to copy the video frame at the current cursor position. From the Options menu, choose Video, and then
choose Copy Frame (or right-click the video strip and choose Copy Frame from the shortcut menu). The current frame is copied to the