hard disk defragmentation, 307
hardware meters
adjusting output levels, 111
adjusting preview levels, 111
mono-compatibility meters, 48
overview, 24
phase scopes, 48
viewing, 111, 112
VU/PPM meters, 46–47
hardware setup
external monitor, 276
help, 18
effects (plug-ins), 203
video strip, 273
Highpass Triangular dither, 177
HRTF impulses, 224
importing keyboard shortcut maps, 326
impulse files
adding summary information, 223
configuring, 222
creating, 220
equipment placement, 220
equipment required for creating, 220
head-related transfer functions (HRTF), 224
naming, 222
recording test tone, 221
recording through electronic device, 221
recovering, 222
recovering from acoustic spaces, 220
recovering from electronic devices, 220
setting levels, 221
transferring test tone, 220
trimming impulse files, 222
trimming test tone, 221
using in creative ways, 223
inactive data windows vs. active data windows, 65
increasing volume of selections, 193
initiating MIDI playback, 255
Insert CD Index button, 39
Insert CD Track button, 39
Insert Command button, 39
Insert Marker button, 39
Insert Pan Envelope button, 39
Insert Region button, 39
Insert Sample Loop button, 39
Insert Silence button, 39
Insert toolbar, 39
Insert Volume Envelope button, 39
CD index markers, 293
CD tracks, 293
inserting (continued)
command markers, 119
markers, 114
markers during playback, 114
markers during recording, 114
markers while recording, 143
regions, 120–121
regions automatically, 121–124
silence, 149
installing, 18
interactive tutorials, 19, 36
intermixing channels, 180
MIDI devices, 256
samplers, 241
International Standard Recording Codes (ISRC), 301
interpolating audio to repair glitches, 42, 154
introduction, 17–19
Invert/Flip process, 40, 184
IRCAM, 341
ISRC codes, 301
iZotope 64-Bit SRC process, 40, 191
iZotope MBIT+ Dither process, 40, 178–179
JKL/shuttle speed preference, 86
keyboard shortcuts
creating, 325
customizing, 43, 325–326
default configuration, 327–334
deleting keyboard maps, 326
editing, 325
importing keyboard maps, 326
renaming keyboard maps, 326
resetting the default keyboard map, 326
saving keyboard maps, 326
Keyboard window. See MIDI keyboard
automatically generating for markers, 115
automatically generating for regions, 124
level ruler
formatting, 89
optimizing scaling, 90
restoring default level, 90
zooming, 88–89
zooming with Magnify tool, 91
monitoring, 43–44
setting, 44
toolbar, 42
Lock Audio and CD Tracks command, 297
locking loop and region lengths, 126
INDEX | vii