Greensmaster 3320/3420 Hydraulic SystemPage 5 -- 55
Disassembly (Fig. 38)
1. Parkmachine on alevel surface,engage theparking
brake, lower the cutting units and stop the engine. Re-
move key from the ignition switch.
The torsion spring (item 14) is under tension and
may cause personal injury during removal. Use
caution when removing the spring from the
pump neutral assembly.
2. Removecomponentsfrom tractionneutralassembly
as needed u sing Figure 38 as a guide.
Assembly (Fig. 38)
1. Install removed components to traction neutral as-
sembly using Figure 38 as a guide along with thefollow-
The torsion spring (item 14) is under tension and
may cause personal injury during installation.
Use cautio n when installing the spring to the
pump neutral assembly.
A. Ifcablesupport(item 1) was removedfrompump,
apply Loctite #242 (or equivalent) to threads of
screws that secure support to pump.
B. If plate (item 2) was removed frompump trunnion
shaft, make sure that both trunnion shaft and plate
bore arethoroughly cleaned beforeinstalling plate to
shaft. Secure plate to trunnion shaft with flat washer
(item 3) and cap screw (item 4). Torque cap screw
from 200 to 250 in--lb (23 to 28 N--m).
C. If damper lever (item 16) wasr emoved, apply an-
tiseize lubricant to post on pump lever (7) and shoul-
der of bolt (item 18) during assembly.
D. Make sure that ball bearing (item 12) on neutral
arm (item 11) is properly positioned in pump lever
2. After traction neutral assembly has been installed,
tral positionso that the machine does not move or creep
when the traction pedal is in neutral.