Greensmaster 3420 Page 4 -- 3 Diesel Engine
General Information
Information about specifications, maintenance, trouble-
shooting, testing and repair of the gasoline engine used
in the G reensmaster TriFlex Hybrid 3420 is included in
this chapter and the Kubota Workshop Manual, Diesel
Engine, SM--E3B Series.
Most engine repairs and adjustments require tools
which are commonly available in many service shops.
Special tools are described in the Kubota Workshop
Manual. The use of some specialized test equipment is
explained. However, the cost of the test equipment and
the specialized nature of some repairs may dictate that
Service and repair parts for Kubota engines are sup-
plied through your local local Toro distributor. If no parts
list is available, be sure to provide your distributor with
the Toro model and serial number.
Operator’s Manual
The Traction Unit Operator’s Manual provides informa-
tion regarding the operation, general maintenance and
maintenance intervals for your Greensmaster machine.
Refer to the Operator’s Manual for additional informa-
tion when servicing the machine.