Greensmaster 3320/3420 Page 6 -- 3 Electrical System
Opening Electrical Circuit to Cutting Units
Before installing, removing or servicing the cut-
ting units, separate the cutting unit power dis-
connect. This will prevent unexpected cutting
unit operation.
Before installing, removing or working on t he cutting
units, disconnect the cutting units from the electrical
power supply by separating the cutting unit power dis-
connect couplers (Fig. 1). The couplers are located at
the base of the rollover bar onthe left side of the traction
unit.Connect the couplers togetherbefore operating the
1. Coupler 2. Stationary coupler
Figure 1
Electrical Drawings
The electrical schematic and wire harness drawings for
Greensmaster TriFlex Hybrid 3320 and 3420 machines
are located in Chapter 10 -- Foldout Drawings.