Greensmaster 3320/3420 GroomerPage 9 -- 21
The groomer driveside plate assemblyincorporates the
idler system for tensioning the groomer drive belt. The
idler system uses a spring to maintain proper belt ten-
1. Park machine on a clean, level surface. Lower cut-
tingunits completely tothe ground, stop engine, engage
parking brake and remove key from the ignition switch.
2. Disconnect thecutting unitsfromtheelectrical power
supply by separating the cutting unit power disconnect
couplers (see Opening Electrical Circuit to Cutting Units
in the General Information section of this chapter). This
will prevent unexpected cutting unit operation.
3. Remove groomer belt cover, drive belt and drive
pulley from right side of cutting unit (see Grooming Reel
(Forward Rotating Groomer Drive) Removal in this sec-
4. Using Figures 25 and 26 as guides, remove idler
bracket, idler pulley and/or idler bearings as needed.
1. Assemble removed components using Figures 25
and 26 as guides.
NOTE: When properly installed, the idler pulley should
move freely from side to side on the idler bracket pin.
2. Install drive pulley, drive belt and belt cover to r ight
side of cutting unit (see Grooming Reel (Forward Rotat-
ing Groomer Drive) Installation in this section).
3. Check and adjust grooming reel height and mower
height--of--cut settings.
4. Connect the cutting unit power disconnect couplers.
1. Drive pulley
2. Idler pulley assembly
3. Driven pulley
4. Drive plate assembly
5. Groomer drive belt
Figure 26