Greensmaster 3320/3420 Page 1 -- 3 Safety
While Operating
1. Sit on the seat when starting and operating the ma-
2. Before starting the engine:
A. Sit on the operator seat.
B. Verify that functional control lever is in neutral.
C. Verify that parking brake is applied.
D. Proceed to start engine.
E. After engine is started, release parkingbrake and
keep footoff traction pedal. Machine must not move.
If movement is evident, the traction pedal linkage is
adjusted incorrectly; therefore, shut engine off and
adjust traction pedal linkage until machine does not
move when traction pedal is released.
3. Do not run engine in a confined area without ade-
quate ventilation. Exhaust fumes are hazardous and
could possibly be deadly.
4. Donot touchengine, exhaustsystem componentsor
radiator (if equipped) while engine isrunning or soon af-
ter it is stopped. These areas could be hot enough to
cause burns.
5. Before getting off the seat:
A. Makesure cuttingunits aredisengagedand have
stopped rotating.
B. Verify that functional control lever is in neutral.
C. Apply the parking brake.
D. Stop the engine and remove key from ignition
E. Toro recommends that anytime t he machine is
parked (short or long term), the cutting units should
be lowered to the ground. This relieves pressure
from the hydrauliclift circuitand eliminates therisk of
cutting units accidentally lowering to the ground.
F. Donot parkthemachine onslopesunless wheels
are chocked or blocked.