Greensmaster 3320/3420 GroomerPage 9 -- 7
Service and Repairs
Groomer Belt Replacement (Forward Rotating Groomer Drive)
1. Park machine on a clean and level surface, lower
cutting units completely to the ground, stop engine, en-
gage parking brake and remove key from the ignition
2. Disconnect thecutting unitsfromtheelectrical power
supply by separating the cutting unit power disconnect
couplers (see Opening Electrical Circuit to Cutting Units
in the General Information section of this chapter). This
will prevent unexpected cutting unit operation.
3. If equipped, remove rear roller brush from cutting
unit (see Rear Roller Brush Removal in the Service and
Repairs section of Chapter 8 -- DPA Cutting Units).
4. Remove three (3) lock nuts that secure groomer
drive cover, then remove cover (Fig. 3).
5. Pivot idler pulley by placing a 12mm wrench on
pulley nut and rotating idler bracket torelax belt tension.
Slip groomer drive belt off pulleys (Fig. 4). Carefully re-
lease idler bracket.
IMPORTANT: Make sure that the drive belt is cen-
tered on the pulleys and correctly aligned with
pulley grooves after i nstallation.
6. Install new drive belt to drive pulley, idler pulley and
driven pulley observing correct belt routing ( Fig. 4).
7. Secure belt cover to machine with three (3) lock nuts
(Fig. 3).
8. If equipped, install rear roller brush to cutting unit
(see Rear Roller Brush Installation in the Service and
Repairs section of Chapter 8 -- DPA Cutting Units).
9. After beltinstallation iscomplete, connectthe cutting
unit power disconnect couplers.
1. Groomer drive cover 2. Lock nut (3 used)
Figure 3
1. Drive pulley
2. Idler pulley
3. Idler pulley nut
4. Driven pulley
5. Groomer drive belt
Figure 4