Rev. A
Greensmaster 3320/3420 Page 6 - 63 Electrical System
CAN- bus Termination Resistors
System communication between electrical components
on Greensmaster Hybrid TriFlex machines is accom-
plished on two (2) CAN- bus communication systems.
Two (2) specially designed, twisted cables form the bus
for both of the networks used on the Hybrid machines.
These wires provide the data pathways between ma-
chine components. At the ends of the twistedpair of bus
cables are 120 ohm termination resistors.
The resistors plug into the wire harness in the following
A. The two (2) termination resistors for the main
electrical system on Greensmaster machines are lo-
cated near the hydraulic lift control manifold under
the right side cover next to the operator seat.
B. The two (2) termination resistors for the E- Reels
electrical circuit are located near the wire harness
connectors for the RH and LH cutting reel motors.
NOTE: Refer to the Electrical Sch ematics and Wire
HarnessDrawings inChapter 10 - Foldout Drawingsfor
additional information on termination resistor locations
and wire connections.
IMPORTANT: The termination resistors at the ends
of the bus cables are required for proper electrical
system operation.
Termination Resistor Test
The termination resistors (Fig. 79) c an be individually
tested using a digital multimeter (ohms setting). Locate
resistor and remove cable tie that secures resistor to
wire harness. Unplug the resistor from the wire harness
for testing.
NOTE: The insulator wedge in the termination resistor
is blue for identification purposes. There also is a center
keywaytopreventthet ermination resistorfrom plugging
into the wrong wire harness connector.
Use a digital multimeter (ohms setting) t o measure the
resistance value for the termination resistor. There
should be 120 ohms resistance between terminals A
and B. Refer to Fig. 79 to determine terminal locations.
Terminal C is not used on Greensmaster Hybrid TriFlex
If testing determines that termination resistor is faulty,
replace resistor.
After testing is complete, make sure that termination re-
sistor is fully installed into wire harness connector and
Figure 79