Greensmaster 3320/3420 Hydraulic SystemPage 5 -- 29
3. For traction related problems (e.g. machine will not
goup anincline), considerperformingone ormore ofthe
following tests:
A. Charge Relief Valve Pressure.
B. Piston (Traction) Pump Flow.
C. Wheel Motor Efficiency.
NOTE: ThepistonpumpusedonGreensmasterTri-
Flex machines isequipped with relief valves for boththe
forward and reverse direction. Due to engine output, it
is unlikely that traction pressure will reach r elief valve
settings. If, however, a piston pump relief valve is leak-
ing or o therwise faulty, traction performance would be
4. For problems with the steering and lift/lower circuit,
consider performing one or more of the following tests:
A. Steering/Lift Relief Valve Pressure.
B. Lower Cutting Units Relief Valve (RV) Pressure.
C. Steering/Lift Circuit Gear Pump Flow.
D. Power Steering Valve.