Greensmaster 3320/3420 Hydraulic SystemPage 5 -- 33
This test measures piston pump output (flow). During
this test, pumpload iscreated atthe flowmeterusing the
adjustable load valve on the tester.
Procedure for Piston (Traction) Pump Flow
1. Make sure hydraulic oil is at normal operating tem-
peraturebyoperatingthe machinefor approximatelyten
(10) minutes.
2. Parkmachineon alevelsurface withthe cuttingunits
lowered and off. Make sure engine is off. Make sure the
hydraulic tank is full.
Prevent personal injury and/or damage to equip-
ment. Read all WARNINGS, CAUTIONS and Pre-
cautions for Hydraulic Testing at the beginning
of this section.
3. Make sure the traction pedal is adjusted to the neu-
tral position. Also, make sure that transport speed is
properly adjusted.
4. Block up front wheels off the ground (also rear wheel
if machine is equipped with 3WD) to allow flow through
the traction circuit.
5. Thoroughly clean junction of hydraulic hose and up-
perhydraulic fittingonfront sid eofpistonpump(forward
port). Disconnect hose from upper pump fitting.
IMPORTANT: Traction circuit flow for Greensmas-
ter TriFlex Hybrid machines is approximately 17
GPM (65 LPM). Use 40 GPM Hydraulic Tester
#AT40002 (pressure and flow) for this test (see Spe-
cial Tools in this chapter).
6. Install 40 GPM Hydraulic Tester #AT40002 (pres-
sure and flow) in series between piston pump fitting and
disconnected hose to allow flow from piston pump to
tester. Use hydraulic hose kit (see Special Tools in this
chapter)toconnecttester to machine.Makesure thatfit-
ting and hose connections are properly tightened. Also,
make sure the flow control valve on tester is fully open.
7. After installing tester, start engine and run at low idle
speed. Check for hydraulic leakage and correct before
proceeding with test.
8. Move functional lever to the transport position.
Wheels offthe ground willbe rotating duringthis
test. Make sure machine is properly supported
soit willnot moveand accidentallyfall toprevent
injuring anyone near the machine.
9. Move throttleso engine is runningat high idlespeed.
10.Slowly push traction pedal to fully forward position.
Keep pedal fully depressed in the forward position.
on tester while slowly closing the flow control valve until
1000PSI(69 bar) is obtained. Verify with aphototacthat
the engine speed has not changed.
NOTE: If engines peed drops, piston pump flow willd e-
12.Observe flow gauge. If piston pump is in good condi-
tion, flow indication should be approximately 17.1 GPM
(64.7 LPM).
13.Release traction pedal, open control valve on tester,
move throttle to low idle speed and turn off engine. Re-
cord test results.
14.Ifflowislessthan15.3 GPM (57.9 LPM), consider
the following:
A. The traction pedal and/or traction speed may
need adjustment.
placed as necessary.
C. Make necessary repairs before performing addi-
tional hydraulic traction circuit tests.
15.When piston pump flow testing is complete, discon-
nect testerfrom pump fittingand hose. Connect hydrau-
lic hose to pump fitting.