Greensmaster 3320 Page 3 -- 5 Gasoline Engine
The function of the fuel evaporative control system is to
collect and store evaporative emissions from the fuel
tank and engine. The evaporatecontrol system used on
Greensmaster 3320 machines uses a carbon cannister
to collect these evaporative emissions. Fuel vapors
from th efueltankare ventedtothe canisterwhenthe en-
gine is not running. Vapors from the canister are con-
sumed when the engine is running.
The fuel tank on Greensmaster 3320 machines uses a
non--vented fuel cap. To connect the tank to the evapo-
rative control system, a fuel vent valve is positioned in
the top of the tank that allows tank venting through the
carbon cannister.
NOTE: Ifthere is restriction inthe fresh air filter,the car-
bon cannister or the fuel vent valve, the fuel tank may
distortdue toventingissues. If the fuel tankreturnsto it’s
normal shape when the fuel cap is removed, restriction
in the evaporative control system is likely.
Components used in the evaporative control system on
Greensmaster 3320 machines changed at serial num-
ber 312000000. Figure 1 illustrates the components
used in the evaporative control system.
Machines With Serial Number Below 312000000
On machines with serial number below 312000000, the
carbon canister is mounted under the fuel tank mount
plate. One fitting at the engine intake manifold is used
to connect the evaporative system to the engine. These
machines usean inline check valve between the carbon
cannister and the engine intake manifold fitting.
Machines With Serial Number Above 312000000
On machines with serial number above 312000000, the
carbon canister is mounted between the hydraulic res-
ervoir and leak detector tank. The evaporative system
includestwo (2)connections to the engine: oneto the in-
take manifold and the second to the air cleaner base.
Venting hose assemblies include a check valve in two
(2) locations as shown in Figure 1.
NOTE: The check valves used on machines with serial
numberabove312000000 are includedas acomponent
of the hose assembly and are not available a s a sepa-
ratepart.Toensure proper operationof checkvalves,do
not attempt to remove them from the hose assembly. If
either of these hose assemblies are removed, make
surethat theyarecorrectly installed toinsurecorrect op-
eration o f the evaporative control system.