Greensmaster 3320/3420Page 6 -- 22Electrical System
Fault Codes
The list below identifies the fault codes that are gener-
ated by the TEC controller to identify an electrical sys-
tem malfunction (fault) that occurred during machine
operation. On machines with serial number below
312000000, the fault code will be retrieved using the
diagnostic light (see Diagnostic Light (Serial Number
Below 312000000) in this section). Use the InfoCenter
Display for fault retrieval on machines with serial num-
ber above 312000000 (see InfoCenter Display (Serial
Number Above 312000000) in this chapter).
Fault Code (Lamp Flashes)
Fault Description
1--1 The reel speed POT reading is out of range indicating either an open or short
1--2 Generator controller identified a fault associated with control of the
48V contactor
1--3 High Temp Warning -- #1 cutting unit (allow machine to cool down) (Note: this
fault IS NOT caused by a faulty sensor)
1--4 High Temp Warning -- #2 cutting unit (allow machine to cool down) (Note: this
fault IS NOT caused by a faulty sensor)
1--5 High Temp Warning -- #3 cutting unit (allow machine to cool down) (Note: this
fault IS NOT caused by a faulty sensor)
1--6 High Temp Warning -- generator (allow machine to cool down) (Note: this fault
IS NOT caused by a faulty sensor)
1--7 #1 cutting unit motor at zero (0) RPM for more than three (3) seconds (insuffi-
cient torque is available to rotate motor)
1--8 #2 cutting unit motor at zero (0) RPM for more than three (3) seconds (insuffi-
cient torque is available to rotate motor)
1--9 #3 cutting unit motor at zero (0) RPM for more than three (3) seconds (insuffi-
cient torque is available to rotate motor)
2--1 The master controller does not recognize the model number
2--2 All four (4) individual slaves (generator and all cutting unit motors) are offline on
the CAN--Bus network
2--3 #1 cutting unit motor is offline on the CAN--Bus network
2--4 #2 cutting unit motor is offline on the CAN--Bus network
2--5 #3 cutting unit motor is offline on the CAN--Bus network
2--6 Generator is offline on the CAN--Bus network
2--9 TEC controller is faulty
3--1 Coolant sensor is faulty
3--2 Excessive engine temperature h as caused engine shutdown
3--3 System voltage to # 1 cutting unit motor is insufficient (motor will be disabled)
3--4 System voltage to # 2 cutting unit motor is insufficient (motor will be disabled)
3--5 System voltage to # 3 cutting unit motor is insufficient (motor will be disabled)
3--6 System voltage to generator is insufficient
3--7 Current to fan relay is excessive
3--9 TEC controller is faulty
4--1 Initial 48V system voltage is incorrect