Greensmaster 3320/3420Page 6 -- 10Electrical System
Generator Rotor Tool Set
The generator rotor tool set is required to remove and
install the rotor from the generator housing. Tool set in-
cludes base plate, threaded shaft and handle ( Fig. 12).
Toro Part Number: TOR6029
NOTE: For generator service procedures, see Gener-
ator Assembly Service in the Service and Repairs sec-
tion of this chapter.
Generator Rotor Removal
1. Remove screws that secure generator cover. Do not
remove cover from generator assembly.
2. Secure tool set base plate to generator housing with
three ( 3) 3/8” -- 16 X 3” cap screws.
IMPORTANT: To prevent damage to generator rotor
shaft threads, position a thick washer or spacer on
the end of the shaft when using tool set.
3. Position thick washer or spacer on the end of the
generator r otor shaft. Install threaded shaft into base
plate and against washer or spacer on rotor shaft.
IMPORTANT: The rotor magnets are very powerful
and can cause therotorto shiftposition very rapidly
duringremoval.Be cautiousduring rotorremoval to
prevent component damage or personal injury.
4. Turnthreadedshaft withhandle to removegenerator
rotorand coverfrom generatorhousing. Support rotor to
prevent it from falling during removal.
5. Leave threaded shaft installed in same position in
base plate for rotor installation purposes.
Generator Rotor Installation
1. Secure tool set base plate to generator housing with
three ( 3) 3/8” -- 16 X 3” cap screws.
2. Make sure that threaded shaft is installed into base
plate so that the end of the threaded shaft prevents the
rotor body from entering the generator housing.
IMPORTANT: The rotor magnets are very powerful
and can cause therotorto shiftposition very rapidly
during installation. Be cautious during rotor instal-
lationto preventcomponentdamage orpersonalin-
3. Whileguidingrotor intogenerator housing, slowlyro-
tate threadedshaft to allowthe rotor to be drawn into the
housing. Once rotor is fully installed into housing, re-
move tool set from generator housing.
1. Base plate
2. Threaded shaft
3. Handle
Figure 12
1. Housing/stator assembly
2. O--ring
3. Bearing
4. Rotor assembly
5. Bearing
6. Wave washer
7. O--ring
8. O--ring
9. Cover
10. Flange screw (6 used)
Figure 13