Greensmaster 3320/3420 Hydraulic SystemPage 5 -- 21
40 GPM Hydraulic Tester (Pressure and Flow)
Use to test hydraulic circuits and components for flow
and pressure capacitiesas recommendedin theTesting
section ofthischapter.This testerincludes thefollowing:
1. LOAD VALVE: A simulated working load is created
in the circuit by turning the valve to restrict flow.
2. PRESSURE GAUGE: Glycerine filled 0 to 5000 PSI
gauge to provide operating circuit pressure.
3. FLOW METER: This meter measures actual oil flow
GPM (20 to 150 LPM).
Toro Part Number: AT40002
NOTE: This tester does not include hydraulic hoses
(see Hydraulic Hose Kit TOR6007 below).
Figure 14
Hydraulic Hose Kit
This kit includes hydraulic fittings and hoses needed to
connect40 GPMhydraulic tester(AT40002) orhigh flow
hydraulic filter kit (TOR6011) to machine hydraulic trac-
tion system components.
Toro Part Number: TOR6007
Figure 15
O--ring Kit
The O--ring kit includes O--rings in a variety of sizes for
face seal and port seal hydraulic connections. It is rec-
ommended that O--rings be replaced whenever a hy-
draulic connection is loosened.
Toro Part Number: 117--2727
Figure 16