Note Monitor
C. Point to symbols from Chart 2 Chart 2 . Have students:
• identify and play appropriate cluster(s).
D. Direct students to:
• locate a two black key cluster.
• locate a three black key cluster.
• echo or imitate short rhythmic patterns using two/three black key clusters. Note Monitor
Lesson Completed
4. Play - New River Train: Student part
A. Have students:
• locate “Student Part” on music.
• identify the clusters used in the Student part.
• place each hand on a two black key cluster using index and middle fingers.
• place each hand on a three black key cluster using index, middle and ring fingers.
B. Play Song New River Train and demonstrate tapping a steady beat using two or three black key clusters with
alternating hands.
C. Encourage students to:
• play the Student Part while partners track the symbols used on the music, and sing melody. Reverse
Lesson Completed
5. Create – ‘Train’ Sound Effects
A. Discuss other sounds students might hear on the New River Train (i.e. train whistle, “clickity-clack”).
B. Speakers Off Ensemble Mode (Headsets On) Ask partners to:
• experiment with different voice buttons to create a sound effect.
C. Speakers On (Headsets Off) Select partners to play newly created sound effect.
D Play Song New River Train. Demonstrate playing a selected sound effect at the end of each phrase. Have
• practice their sound effect with song. Speakers Off
• play accompaniment as others sing or add sound effects. Speakers On
Split Mode Lesson Completed
S. Synthesis: Compose - Cluster accompaniment (Worksheet 1)
A. Have students listen to new piece of music that needs an accompaniment. New Tune
NOTE: This tune is also available as an MIE Tune and can be "downloaded" to all student keyboards for
practice. This song is being sent to the "MELODY REC" track of keyboards.
B. Split Mode Speakers Off Let students:
• create a new steady beat accompaniment with two or three black key clusters.
C. Ensemble Mode Worksheet 1 With partners:
• work together to create a steady beat accompaniment with two or three black key clusters.
• volunteer to perfom their accompaniment. Speakers On
• notate accompaniments on Worksheet 1.
D. Kbd Perc On Speakers Off Have partners:
• work together to create another steady beat accompaniment with keyboard percussion.
• volunteer to perform their accompaniment. Speakers On
Kbd Perc Off Split Mode Synthesis Completed
R. Review
Play Song
New River Train Note Monitor
Ask students to:
• keep a steady beat by tapping bass drum. Kbd Perc On
• find, play and practice entering several groups of two/three black key clusters. Kbd Perc Off
B. Silent Keyboards Play several music examples, some with steady beat, some without. Have students:
• practice entering “black key” (C#) = yes, steady beat, and “white key” (C) = no steady beat.
NOTE: This is an opportunity for students to practice the “procedure” of entering responses for a quiz. Have
students use a two-hand process (hold answer down with one hand, press the “enter” key with the other).
Sound On Keyboards Review Completed
Sequence of Activities:
1. Listen & Discuss - Music may move to a steady beat
A. Explain/review the concept of the steady beat. Mention common biological cycles such as the seasons, the
rising and setting of the sun, and your own heartbeat. Point out that different kinds of music may have steady
beats to which we respond in different ways.
B. Kbd Perc On Play Song Oye Como Va by Santana. Point out the specific percussion instruments used to
emphasize the steady beat (i.e. cowbell). Have students:
• tap beat on cowbell key with song.
• improvise rhythm patterns with song.
C. Play Song Washington Post March by John Philip Sousa. Ask students to:
• select two percussion instruments appropriate for a marching band.
• play selected percussion instruments following the steady beat. Note Monitor
D. Have students:
• discuss steady beat.
• list common things in their lives that have steady beats (i.e. ticking clock, ocean waves).
Kbd Perc Off Lesson Completed
2. Sing & Move - New River Train (Song 1)
A. Kbd Perc On Play Song New River Train. Encourage students to:
• tap a steady beat.
• read, then track words while listening to song.
• sing melody with song.
• sing melody and tap steady beat.
• play steady beat alternately on two keyboard percussion instruments (left-right-left-right).
Kbd Perc Off Lesson Completed
3. Read & Play - Two and three black key clusters (Charts 1 & 2)
A. Identify groups of two and three black key clusters. Chart 1
B. Direct class to:
• quickly play groups of two or three black key clusters as they are called.