
Opus 12
Eighth Note and Rest
Student Outcomes:
EIGHTH NOTE & REST - Duration/Rhythm: Rhythm
values may be symbolized. Music may combine
long and short durations of sound and silence.
Identify, play, read and notate eighth notes/rests.
Compose rhythmic ostinati using eighth notes/
- eighth note, eighth rest, tie, C major pentachord
- eighth note, eighth rest, tie, C major pentachord
eighth notes (2), eighth note (1), eighth rest
Assessment (Quiz 12) - Students listen to examples from Quiz overhead and determine whether or
not patterns were played correctly.
Assessment (Quiz 12) - Students listen to examples from Quiz overhead and determine whether or
not patterns were played correctly.
Assessment (Quiz 12) - Students listen to examples from Quiz overhead and determine whether or
not patterns were played correctly.
Repertoire: Polly Wolly Doodle, Ballet of the Chicks
Repertoire: Polly Wolly Doodle, Ballet of the Chicks
Repertoire: Polly Wolly Doodle, Ballet of the Chicks
National Standards:
1. NS 2,6
2. NS 5
3. NS 1,2,5
4. NS 6
S. NS 4,5
R. NS 5,6
State/Local Standards:
State/Local Standards:
Sequence of Activities:
1. Imitate & Play - Rhythm patterns (Chart 7)
A. Play Metronome Clap rhythm patterns using eighth and/or quarter notes. Have students:
imitate each rhythm pattern.
tap each rhythm pattern on a keyboard percussion instrument. Kbd Perc On
B. Chart 7 Kbd Perc Off Encourage partners to:
place right hand, finger 1, on (middle) C.
imitate two-measure rhythm patterns using a repeated C.
imitate other two-measure rhythm patterns using single notes D, E, F or G.
C. Play melodic patterns (C-D-E-F-G) using quarter/eighth rhythms. Have partners:
imitate each pattern.
create patterns for each other to imitate. Ensemble Mode Speakers Off
Split Mode
Speakers On Lesson Completed
2. Read - Rhythm patterns using eighth note/rest (Chart 8)
A. Chart 8 Kbd Perc On Play Chart 8, Example 1 using keyboard percussion. Have students:
identify meter signature and familiar rhythm symbols used in Example 1.
identify new symbol (eighth note).
describe eighth note (i.e. fast, short) and how many are heard per quarter note.
tap and chant rhythm syllables.
play Example 1.
B. Describe eighth note with musical terms (i.e. two eighth notes equal one quarter note, two eighth
notes on each beat). Encourage students to:
play Chart 8, Example 2 on keyboard percussion.
listen as Example 3 is played by teacher.
identify rest in Example 3.
play Example 3 and chant rhythm syllables.
C. Continue with remaining examples.
Kbd Perc Off Lesson Completed
3. Listen, Sing & Play - Polly Wolly Doodle: Part 1 (Song 14)
A. Play Song Sing the melody of Polly Wolly Doodle. Ask students to:
identify eighth note patterns.
B. Play Student Part 1 Polly Wolly Doodle.
chant rhythm patterns with melody.
sing note names with melody. (NOTE: F and G are “new” notes to read.)
practice Part 1. Speakers Off
play Part 1 with song. Speakers On Play Song
C. OPTION: If some students are ready, have them play the actual melody (there are ties, and some
notes outside the five-note pattern).
Lesson Completed
4. Listen - Music may use sound/silence as in 8th notes/8th rests
A. Kbd Perc On Ask students to:
suggest an eighth note rhythm to match rapid scratching movements of a newly-hatched
perform suggestions using percussion sounds on keyboards.
B. Play Song Ballet Of The Chicks In Their Shells by Modest Petrovich Mussorgsky. Have students:
tap steady eighth note pattern with recording.
move to music.
listen and identify rests.
C. Have students:
discuss how patterns of eighth notes and eighth rests create a feeling of excitement or constant
Kbd Perc Off Lesson Completed
S. Synthesis: Create & Write – Rhythm compositions using 8th notes/rests (Worksheet 4)
A. Kbd Perc On Tap several two measure rhythm patterns using eighth notes and rests. Have students:
imitate each pattern.
create new two measure rhythm pattern using eighth notes.
imitate patterns created by classmates.
B. Worksheet 4 Select a pattern created by student. Write it on overhead. Ask students to:
read and chant syllables.
play pattern.
write pattern on Worksheet 4.
C. Ensemble Mode Speakers Off Let partners:
work together to create additional two measure rhythm patterns.
write patterns on worksheet.
play new patterns.
Speakers On
Kbd Perc Off Split Mode Synthesis Completed
R. Review (Chart 8)
A. Note Monitor Kbd Perc On Chart 8 Ask students to:
echo rhythm patterns with eighth note/eighth rests, quarter notes/quarter rests.
play rhythm patterns from Chart 8.
B. Kbd Perc Off Play examples from Chart 8 (some correctly, some not). Have students:
indicate whether the pattern was performed correctly by entering “black” = yes, “white” – no.
Review Completed