
Opus 26
Dotted Rhythms
Student Outcomes:
DOTTED RHYTHMS – Duration: Rhythm
values may be symbolized
Identify, play, read and notate dotted rhythms.
Compose accompaniments using dotted rhythms.
- dotted half/quarter, dotted quarter/eighth, dotted
- dotted half/quarter, dotted quarter/eighth, dotted
dotted half, dotted quarter & eighth, dotted
eighth & sixteenth
Assessment (Quiz 26) Students listen to examples from Quiz overhead and determine whether or
not patterns were played correctly, and they will look at three examples to determine which example
was played.
Assessment (Quiz 26) Students listen to examples from Quiz overhead and determine whether or
not patterns were played correctly, and they will look at three examples to determine which example
was played.
Assessment (Quiz 26) Students listen to examples from Quiz overhead and determine whether or
not patterns were played correctly, and they will look at three examples to determine which example
was played.
Repertoire: Shenandoah, A Bushel and a Peck, Largo from New World Symphony, Clarke Martial Air,
Symphony No. 9 in E minor by Dvorak.
Repertoire: Shenandoah, A Bushel and a Peck, Largo from New World Symphony, Clarke Martial Air,
Symphony No. 9 in E minor by Dvorak.
Repertoire: Shenandoah, A Bushel and a Peck, Largo from New World Symphony, Clarke Martial Air,
Symphony No. 9 in E minor by Dvorak.
National Standards:
1. NS 2,6
2. NS 5
3. NS 6
4. NS 1,2
5. NS 1,2
S. NS 4
R. NS 5,6
State/Local Standards:
State/Local Standards:
Sequence of Activities:
1. Play – Patterns with dotted rhythms
A. Play Metronome Play rhythm patterns using familiar note values. Ask students to:
imitate each pattern.
chant rhythm syllables of patterns with familiar rhythm values.
B. Play dotted quarter & eighth rhythm patterns. Have students:
imitate patterns.
C. Introduce new term of “dotted quarter & eighth”.
D. Play Rhythm Play dotted quarter & eighth melody patterns. Have students:
imitate each pattern.
chant rhythm syllables.
E. Using either rhythmic or melodic patterns, play examples and non-examples of dotted rhythms. Ask
students to:
echo patterns.
determine whether or not pattern uses dotted quarter & eighth.
F. Repeat entire lesson with dotted eighth & sixteenths.
Lesson Completed
2. Read - Melody patterns with dotted rhythms (Chart 16)
A. Chart 16 Play Metronome Split - Treble Play Chart 16, Example 1 with metronome. Ask stu-
dents to:
discover dotted quarter & eighth rhythms.
tap/chant rhythm.
identify note names.
play example while singing note values or note names.
play other examples from Chart 16. Split – Treble Split – Bass
Split – Reset Lesson Completed
3. Listen – Dotted Rhythms
A. Explain how a specific rhythm pattern can give a piece of music an individual identity, or how the
same rhythm can occur in many different pieces where the melody makes the piece unique.
B. Play Song "Allegro con fuoco" from Antonin Dvorak's Symphony No. 9 in E Minor. The dotted
quarter-eighth note patterns occur in several different places: the main theme of last movement (in
trombones) and in theme from first movement (in flutes and, then again, in trombones). This theme
is sometimes known as the song Goin' Home. Have students:
identify dotted quarter & eighth note pattern when they hear it.
C. Play Song Clarke Martial Air. Have students:
tap melodic rhythm.
identify where both dotted quarter & eighth and dotted eighth & sixteenth are used.
Lesson Completed
4. Sing & Play – Shenandoah: Parts 1, 2 & 3 (Song 29)
A. Play Song Shenandoah. Sing melody. Encourage students to:
sing melody.
identify dotted quarter & eighth and dotted eighth & sixteenth rhythm.
Note: Review the term “tie”.
B. Split – Treble Play Student Part 1 Have class:
tap rhythm of Part 1.
identify dotted rhythm.
practice Part 1. Speakers Off
play Part 1 with song. Speakers On Play Song
C. Split – Reset Play Student Part 2 Have class:
tap rhythm of Part 2.
identify dotted rhythm.
practice Part 2. Speakers Off
play Part 2 with song. Speakers On Play Song
D. Play Student Part 3 Have class:
tap rhythm of Part 3.
identify dotted rhythm.
practice Part 3. Speakers Off
play Part 3 with song. Speakers On Play Song
E. Normal Mode Have students:
play Parts 1, 2 and 3 as an ensemble.
Split Mode Lesson Completed
5. Sing & Play – A Bushel and a Peck: Parts 1 & 2 (Song 30)
A. Play Song A Bushel and a Peck. Sing melody. Encourage students to:
sing melody.
identify dotted rhythms.
B. Split – Treble Play Student Part 1 Have class:
tap rhythm of Part 1.
identify dotted rhythm.
practice Part 1. Speakers Off
play Part 1 with song. Speakers On Play Song
C. Split – Reset Play Student Part 2