
LAISSER LES BONTEMPS ROULER (Kelly–Didier) Helen Reddy.!p!1977 Capitol Records, Inc. Courtesy of Capitol Records, Inc., under license from
CEMA Special Markets :31
LAMA NORBU GYAMTSHO, sung by Monks of Bhutan. Courtesy of Lyrichord Records. :24
LE BANANIER (Gottschalk) Eugene List, piano. Courtesy of Omega Records, Inc. 1:10
LET THE GOOD TIMES ROLL (Lee) Shirley and Lee. Courtesy of M.C. Productions :30
LITTLE STAR (Picone) The Elegants. Courtesy of MCA Special Markets and Products, a division of MCA Records Inc. :35
LOUIE, LOUIE (Berry) Paul Revere and the Raiders. Courtesy of Sony Music Entertainment Inc. :42
LOUIE, LOUIE (Berry) Paul Revere and The Raiders. Courtesy of Sony Music Entertainment Inc. :24
MARCH from SECOND SUITE IN F, Op. 28, No. 2 (Holst) Royal Air Force Central Band; Eric Banks, conductor. Courtesy of EMI Records Ltd. :54
MARCHE SLAV, Op. 31 (Tchaikovsky) Andre Previn, conductor. Courtesy of EMI Records Ltd. :26
MARTIAL AIR (Clarke) New England Brass Ensemble. Courtesy of Sony Music Entertainment Inc. :30
MIAMI VICE THEME (Hammer) Jan Hammer. Courtesy of MCA Special Markets and Products, a division of MCA Records Inc. :27
MINUET No. 2 IN G (Beethoven) Igor Kipnis, harpsichord. Courtesy of Sony Music Entertainment Inc. :55
MOUNTAIN CITY BLUES (Troutt) Clarence Williams Orchestra. Courtesy of Sony Music Entertainment Inc. :26
MR. GONE (Zawinul) Weather Report.!p!1978 Sony Music Entertainment Inc., Courtesy of Sony Music Entertainment Inc. :32
MY BONNIE LASS SHE SMELLETH (Schickele) Peter Schickele. Courtesy of Welk Record Group 1:06
MY FEET CAN’T FAIL ME NOW (Dirty Dozen Brass Band) The Dirty Dozen Brass Band.!p 1984 Concord Jazz Inc. Courtesy of Concord Jazz Inc. :31
MY SUGAR IS SO REFINED (Lippman–Dee) The Hi-Los. Courtesy of Sony Music Entertainment Inc. 1:04
MYSTERIOSO (Monk) Thelonious Monk, piano. Courtesy of Capitol Records Inc., under license from CEMA Special Markets :41
NUAGES from THREE NOCTURNES (Debussy) Philharmonia Orchestra; Carlo Maria Giulini, conductor. Courtesy of EMI Records Ltd. :40
OLD JOE CLARK (Traditional) The Rooftop Singers. Courtesy of Welk Record Group :42
OLE MISS RAG (Handy) Scott Joplin, piano roll. Courtesy of Biograph Records Inc. :41
ON GREEN DOLPHIN STREET (Kaper–Washington) Miles Davis. Courtesy of Sony Music Entertainment Inc. 1:45
ON GREEN DOLPHIN STREET (Kaper–Washington) Miles Davis. Courtesy of Sony Music Entertainment Inc. 1:09
OVER THE RAINBOW from THE WIZARD OF OZ (Harburg–Arlen) Judy Garland. Released by agreement with SBK Record Productions Inc.
OVERTURE TO L’ITALIANA IN ALGERI (Rossini) Philharmonia Orchestra; Carlo Maria Giulini, conductor. Courtesy of EMI Records Ltd. :32
OYE COMO VA (Puente) Santana. Courtesy of Sony Music Entertainment Inc. :27
OYE COMO VA (Puente) Santana.!p!1974 Sony Music Entertainment Inc. Courtesy of Sony Music Entertainment Inc. :27
PACHANGA ORIENTAL (Rivera) Ray Barretto and the Charanga Band. Courtesy of Fantasy Inc. :53
PIANISTS from CARNIVAL OF THE ANIMALS (Saint-Saëns) Aldo Ciccolini, Alexis Weissenberg, pianists; The Paris Conservatoire Orchestra; George
Pretre, conductor. Courtesy of EMI Records Ltd. :30
PIANO CONCERTO No. 1, First Movement (Tchaikovsky) Gary Graffman, piano; The Cleveland Orchestra; George Szell, conductor. Courtesy of
Sony Music Entertainment Inc. :55
PRELUDE IN C MINOR, Op. 28, No. 20 (Chopin) Murray Perahia, piano. p!1975 Sony Music Entertainment Inc. Courtesy of Sony Music Entertain-
ment Inc. :28
PRELUDE IN E MINOR (Chopin) Vladimir Feltsman, piano.!p!1985 Sony Music Entertainment Inc. Courtesy of Sony Music Entertainment Inc. :37
PRELUDE No. 1 from THREE PRELUDES (Gershwin) Oscar Levant, piano. Courtesy of Sony Music Entertainment Inc. :36