
Repeat activities for Part 2. Speakers On Speakers Off Play Song
Split – Reset Lesson Completed
S. Synthesis: Compose – New Parts 2 & 3 Largo (from the “New World Symphony”) using dotted
rhythms (Worksheet 13)
A. Ask students to:
identify rhythm values, repeated patterns and note names in Part 1 of Worksheet 13.
play Part 1.
B. Worksheet 13 Have students:
compose new Part 2 as a counter-melody.
write counter melody on Part 2 of Worksheet 13.
C. Split - Bass Have students:
create and notate new Part 3 (encourage students to use intervals).
D. Encourage students to:
record and/or play new Part 2 or Part 3 with melody.
Split - Reset Synthesis Completed
R. Review
A. Write a pattern on overhead with dotted rhythms. Play correctly or incorrectly. Have students:
practice entering “black” = played correctly or “white” = played incorrectly.
Repeat with other patterns.
B. Write three rhythm patterns on overhead with dotted rhythms. Play one of the examples and have
identify which example is played.
practice entering choice A, B, or C.
C. Add melodies to above patterns. Have students
identify which example is played.
practice entering choice A, B, or C
Review Completed
Opus 27
Music Reading – A Major
Student Outcomes:
A MAJOR TONALITY - Pitch/Melody: Pitches may
be grouped to form a set,
e.g., pentachord, scale, mode, tone row. A set of
pitches may or may not have a tonal center.
Read and play the A major pentachord.
Identify “home tone” of A major tonality.
Read music using notes in A major pentachord.
Compose melody and accompaniment in A
- A major pentachord, home tone or tonal center,
sharp, flat, whole step, half-step
- A major pentachord, home tone or tonal center,
sharp, flat, whole step, half-step
Grand staff/pentachord on staff
Assessment (Quiz 27) Students will enter various notes of the A major pentachord, and listen to
melodies and determine whether or not melodies/songs are in A major tonality, or end on the home
Assessment (Quiz 27) Students will enter various notes of the A major pentachord, and listen to
melodies and determine whether or not melodies/songs are in A major tonality, or end on the home
Assessment (Quiz 27) Students will enter various notes of the A major pentachord, and listen to
melodies and determine whether or not melodies/songs are in A major tonality, or end on the home
Repertoire: Sweetly Sings the Donkey, Scotland the Brave, Spirit in the Sky, Little Star
Repertoire: Sweetly Sings the Donkey, Scotland the Brave, Spirit in the Sky, Little Star
Repertoire: Sweetly Sings the Donkey, Scotland the Brave, Spirit in the Sky, Little Star
National Standards:
1. NS 2
2. NS 2,5
3. NS 6
4. NS 2,5
S. NS 3
R. NS 6
State/Local Standards:
State/Local Standards:
Sequence of Activities:
1. Play & Identify - A Major Tonality/Pentachord (Chart 17)
A. Split - Bass Chart 17 Ask students to:
place left hands on keys as shown on Chart 17.
identify notes used in A major pentachord. (Review home tone – A)
play various finger numbers or note names.
identify C#.
identify half and whole step pattern in pentachord.
compare to C, G and D pentachords (whole-whole-half-whole).
B. Play several two-measure bass clef melodic patterns using notes of the A major pentachord. Have
imitate each pattern.
play patterns for each other to imitate. Ensemble Mode Speakers Off
C. Chart 17 Speakers On Play Chart 17. Have students:
sing note names and/or finger numbers.
play with rhythm. Play Rhythm
sing home tone.
play with dynamics.
D. Split - Treble Repeat activity with right hand.